The Special Terms and Conditions of the Texas 1115 Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Waiver include a requirement to submit a draft DSRIP Transition Plan to CMS by October 1, 2019 and finalized by March 31, 2020. This Transition Plan must describe how the state will further develop its delivery system reform efforts without DSRIP funding after DY10, which ends on September 30, 2021. The Transition Plan will include milestones for HHSC for DY9-10 as the state prepares for DSRIP to end.
DSRIP Transition Plan
- CMS Approved DSRIP Transition Plan (PDF) (8/27/2020)
- Draft DSRIP Revised Transition Plan – Submitted to CMS (PDF) (4/13/2020) In February, HHSC submitted revisions to the DSRIP Transition Plan to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). These revisions were made in response to CMS feedback on the draft plan that was submitted in September 2019. The revised plan is posted here, but has not been finally approved by CMS.
- Summary of Stakeholder Meetings on DSRIP Transition (PDF) (10/23/2019)
- DSRIP Transition Update Webinar Slides (PDF) (10/14/2019)
- Draft DSRIP Transition Plan - Submitted to CMS (PDF) (10/3/2019)
- Summary of Stakeholder Feedback on Draft Transition Plan (PDF) (10/3/2019)
- Draft DSRIP Transition Plan (8/5/2019)
- Transition Proposals Received from Stakeholders (Excel) The document has been edited as of 6/28/2019 to include edits and additional proposals.
Transition Milestone Updates
Milestone 1
In March 2021, under the milestone to advance alternative payment models and promote healthcare quality, HHSC submitted the updated Value-Based Payment Roadmap and the Alternative Payment Models in Texas Medicaid reports to CMS as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.
- Value-Based Payment Roadmap (PDF) (4/6/2021)
- Alternative Payment Models in Texas Medicaid (PDF) (4/6/2021)
Milestone 2 – Advance APMs to Promote Healthcare Quality
In March 2021, HHSC submitted the updated Texas Managed Care Quality Strategy to CMS, as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan. For more information please see the HHSC Quality Strategy webpage.
Milestone 3 – DY11 Program Options
HHSC has submitted the following four directed payment programs to begin September 1, 2021. All programs are subject to CMS approval.
- Texas Incentives for Physician and Professional Services
- Comprehensive Hospital Increased Reimbursement Program
- Directed Payment Program for Behavioral Health Services
- Rural Access to Primary and Preventive Services
Milestone 4 – DSRIP DYs 7-8 Quality Data Analysis
In December 2020, HHSC submitted to CMS the analysis of DY 7-8 DSRIP quality data required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.
Milestone 6 – Support Further Delivery System Reform
In September 2021, HHSC submitted a summary of its analysis of options for new programs and initiatives to start in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023 or beyond, as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.
Milestone 7 – Assessment of Financial Incentives for Alternative Payment Models (APMs)
In June 2021, HHSC submitted the assessment of Financial Incentives for APMs and Quality Improvement Cost Guidance to CMS, as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.”
- Assessment of Financial Incentives for Alternative Payment Models (PDF) (6/30/2021)
- Quality Improvement Cost Guidance (PDF) (6/30/2021)
Milestone 8 – Assessment of Social Factors Impacting Health Care Quality in Texas Medicaid
In March 2021, HHSC submitted the assessment of social factors to CMS, as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.
- Assessment of Social Factors (PDF) (4/6/2021)
- Attachment 1 – Texas Medicaid Managed Care Focus Study (PDF) (4/6/2021)
- Attachment 2 – Texas Medicaid Managed Care Focus Study Addendum (PDF) (4/6/2021)
Milestone 9 – Assessment of Texas Medicaid Rural Teleservices
In June 2021, HHSC submitted the assessment of Texas Medicaid rural teleservices to CMS, as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.
Milestone 10 - Regional Healthcare Partnership (RHP) Structure Post DSRIP
In February 2020, DSRIP Anchors and providers submitted feedback on the existing Regional Healthcare Partnership (RHP) structure as part of the transition to post-DSRIP programs. The summaries of responses to the two surveys are below. HHSC will consider all responses as the agency develops post-DSRIP programs and operations framework.
- Milestone 10 Survey – Provider Responses (PDF) (6/25/2020)
- Milestone 10 Survey – Anchor Responses (PDF) (6/25/2020)
In June 2021, HHSC submitted the deliverable on the RHP structure post DSRIP to CMS, as required by the DSRIP Transition Plan.
Partner Engagement Plan
HHSC will provide updates on the DSRIP Transition progress, additional upcoming opportunities for partner engagement and will give partners the opportunity to ask questions. To be added to the Partner Engagement distribution list, please e-mail TX Healthcare Transformation.
- Partner Engagement Plan – September 23, 2021 Quarterly Meeting (PDF) (9/23/2021)
- Partner Engagement Plan – September 23, 2021 Quarterly Meeting Recording
- Partner Engagement Plan – August 2021 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – June 22, 2021 Quarterly Meeting (PDF) 6/22/2021)
- Partner Engagement Plan – April 2021 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – March 26, 2021 Quarterly Meeting Recording
- Partner Engagement Plan – March 2021 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – February 2021 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – December 11, 2020 Quarterly Meeting (PDF) (12/11/2020)
- Partner Engagement Plan – November 2020 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – September 2020 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – August 26, 2020 Quarterly Meeting (PDF) (8/26/2020)
- Partner Engagement Plan – June 2020 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – May 15, 2020 Quarterly Meeting (PDF) (5/15/2020)
- Partner Engagement Plan – April 2020 Newsletter (PDF)
- Partner Engagement Plan – February 12, 2020 Quarterly Meeting (PDF) (2/20/2020)
- DSRIP Transition Partner Engagement Plan (PDF) (12/16/2019)
- Summary of partner feedback on DSRIP Transition Partner Engagement Plan (PDF) (12/16/2019)
Best Practices Workgroup
- Best Practices Workgroup Membership List (PDF) (4/13/2020)