Form 6500-T, DBMD and CFC - IPC Service Delivery Transfer Worksheet

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Effective Date: 1/2025


Updated: 11/2024

Note: The term person when used in this form refers to an individual per 26 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Section 259.5.


The Individual Plan of Care (IPC) Service Delivery Transfer Worksheet documents the total number of service units and costs for the Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) and Community First Choice (CFC) person's service plan year, and the total number of service units and costs appropriate for each agency providing services to the person transferring to another DBMD and CFC provider agency.


When to Prepare

The case manager completes Form 6500-T at the time of the request to transfer except when the person's transfer effective date coincides with the renewal IPC effective period.

Number of Copies

The current case manager completes an original of Form 6500-T. One copy is given to each of the transferring and receiving agencies and a copy is provided to the person receiving DBMD and CFC services. The copy maintained by each provider agency in the person's record should include signatures from the transferring provider, receiving provider, person or legally authorized representative (LAR) and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) DBMD Program specialist. This may be a faxed copy and must include all the signatures.


The case manager should keep a copy of Form 6500-T in the person's record that includes all necessary signatures. A copy of that same document should be sent to each provider agency as appropriate. The copy maintained by each provider agency in the person’s record should include signatures from the transferring provider, receiving provider, person and the HHSC DBMD Program specialist. A copy that includes all signatures is also sent to the HHSC DBMD Program specialist for authorization, with a copy of the last IPC approved by HHSC.

Form Retention

The current and receiving case manager keep Form 6500-T per the record retention requirements in Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 52, Contracting for Community  Services.

Detailed Instructions

Person's Name, Social Security No., Medicaid No. — Enter the person's name, Social Security number and Medicaid number.

IPC Effective Period — Enter the IPC service plan dates, as reflected on Form 6500, Individual Plan of Care (IPC) – DBMD.

Transfer Type — Enter the type of transfer. Both Provider and FMSA transfers may apply at the same time.

Transfer Effective Date — Enter the date the transfer is effective.

Provider Agency or CFC Services Provider — If applicable, enter the transferring and receiving provider agencies' vendor numbers and the total number of service units appropriate for each agency.

The transferring agency's total number of service units provided before the effective date of the transfer is the sum of the number of service units:

  • provided and paid;
  • provided that have been billed but not yet paid; and
  • to be provided until the transfer effective date.

If units have not been used and will not be used before the transfer effective date, place a zero in the units column for the transferring provider. Carry over the remaining units to the receiving provider's vendor number.

The receiving agency's total number of service units is the number of service units to be provided from the transfer effective date until the end of the IPC effective period.

Financial Management Services Agency (FMSA) or CFC FMSA Provider — If applicable enter the transferring and receiving FMSAs vendor numbers and the number of service units appropriate for each agency.

The transferring agency's total number of service units provided before the effective date of the transfer is the sum of the number of service units:

  • provided and paid;
  • provided that have been billed but not yet paid; and
  • to be provided until the transfer effective date.

The receiving agency's total number of service units is the number of service units to be provided from the transfer effective date until the end of the IPC effective period.

Total Units Column — The total units column is the total number of service units assigned to both the transferring and receiving agency. This sum must equal the number of service units entered on the last IPC approved by HHSC.

Total Cost Column — The online form calculates this field. The total cost column is the total costs assigned to both the transferring and receiving agency. This sum must equal the total cost entered on the last IPC approved by HHSC. Include the estimated cost totals under both columns even if no units were used. Make sure to total each column under the Total Estimated Cost for both vendor numbers.

Signatures — The person receiving DBMD and CFC services or their legally authorized representative (LAR) must sign Form 6500-T. The document maintained in the person's record should also include signatures from the following:

  • transferring provider representative;
  • receiving provider representative;
  • person or LAR; and
  • HHSC DBMD and CFC Program Consultant.

Representatives of both the transferring and receiving agencies must sign Form 6500-T. These signatures indicate the agencies' agreement with the number of service units.