Form 3608, Individual Plan of Care (IPC) – HCS/CFC

Instructions for Opening a Form

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Effective Date: 3/2023


Updated: 5/2022


Form 3608 is used by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff, Home and Community-based Services (HCS) waiver program providers and Local Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authorities (LIDDAs) to document an individual's HCS, non-HCS and Community First Choice (CFC), and non-HCS/CFC services.


When to Prepare

The IPC is developed during the IPC meeting by:

  • the service planning team (SPT), which consists of the individual or legally authorized representative (LAR), the service coordinator (SC) and any other person invited by the individual/LAR; and
  • the program provider.

In most instances, an IPC meeting is necessary to develop the IPC. An IPC meeting occurs when the SPT and the program provider meet in person or by telephone to review the individual's person-directed plan (PDP) and to discuss and identify necessary units of HCS, CFC and non-HCS/CFC services to support PDP outcomes. The IPC is developed at the following events:

  • Enrollment – The initial IPC is completed by the LIDDA. An LIDDA staff person develops the proposed initial IPC after developing the individual's PDP. When the individual has chosen a program provider, an LIDDA SC, the individual/LAR and the program provider hold a meeting to negotiate and finalize the initial IPC.
  • Renewal – An annual IPC renewal is completed by the program provider before the current IPC expires. The program provider and the SPT hold a meeting to develop the annual IPC renewal based on the PDP.
  • Transfer – A transfer IPC is developed by the SC when an individual changes to another HCS contract or chooses a different service delivery option (meaning Consumer Directed Services (CDS) is added or removed as a service delivery option). The SPT and the receiving program provider hold an IPC meeting to develop a transfer IPC.
  • Revision – An IPC revision is completed by the program provider. There are four types of IPC revisions:
    • Revision to reflect PDP change – This type of IPC revision is used when adding or deleting an HCS/CFC service, or when increasing/decreasing an existing service that requires a new PDP outcome. Both of these situations require the SPT and the program provider to hold a meeting to revise the IPC.
    • Revision to increase/decrease an existing HCS/CFC service – This type of IPC revision is used when the increase or decrease of the existing HCS service is associated with an existing outcome in the current PDP. This situation does not require the SPT and the program provider to hold a meeting.
    • Revision to add/change a requisition fee only – This type of IPC revision is used when only a dental, adaptive aid or minor home modification requisition fee is added or changed on an individual's IPC. This situation does not require the SPT and the program provider to hold a meeting nor does it require the program provider to obtain agreement from the individual/LAR or SC.
    • Revision to change support management – For a revision that documents a change in support management, the program provider obtains the individual’s signature or approval by phone. If approval is obtained via phone, the program provider indicates this on the signature line, initials and dates it. The program provider indicates the date on the form when support management is changed. A copy of the form is faxed to the service coordinator for signature. The effective date of the IPC remains the same and this change is not entered into the HHSC data system. All other types of revisions must be entered into the HHSC data system.


  • CDS – If an individual only uses the CDS option and does not have a program provider, the LIDDA is responsible for ensuring that self-directed HCS/ CFC services are included on the IPC any time an IPC is completed.
  • For more information regarding revisions and IPC meetings, see the IPC section of the HCS Handbook.


Except for an IPC revision for the emergency provision of services, the LIDDA, program provider or SC enters the completed IPC in HHSC data system in accordance with the instructions in the IPC section of the HCS Handbook. If an individual only uses the CDS option and does not have a program provider, the LIDDA is responsible for entering the IPC into the HHSC data system.

For an IPC revision for the emergency provision of services, the program provider faxes the hard copy of the completed Form 3608 to HHSC Program Enrollment, along with documentation of:

  • the circumstances that necessitated providing the new HCS/CFC service or the increase in the amount of the existing HCS/CFC service, and
  • the type and amount of the service provided in response to the emergency.

Form Retention

The program provider and SC must maintain a copy of the completed Form 3608 in the individual's record.


To inquire about Form 3608 or instructions, call the HHSC Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Waivers Program Enrollment message line at 512-438-5055.

Detailed Instructions

With the exception of "Estimated Annual Totals (for all services)," Form 3608 must be completed before entering the IPC information into the HHSC data system.

Page 1

Client Identifying Information

Individual Name (Last, First, MI) — Enter the individual's last name, first name and middle initial.

Medicaid No. — Enter the individual's Medicaid number.

IPC Begin Date — Enter the date the IPC year began or will begin. This is the 12-month period starting on the date an initial or renewal IPC begins. (A revised or transfer IPC does not change the begin or end date of an IPC year.)

IPC End Date — Enter the date the IPC year ends (365 days following the IPC begin date). (A program provider may view the HHSC data system to determine an individual's current IPC end date.)

IPC Effective Date — Enter the IPC effective date as described below.

Initial (Enrollment) – The IPC effective date is the same as the IPC begin date. However, the IPC meeting must be held on or before the IPC effective date.

Renewal – The IPC effective date is the same as the IPC begin date. However, the IPC meeting must be held on or before the IPC effective date.

Transfer: Contract/Service Delivery Option – The IPC effective date is the date the individual will begin receiving services from the receiving program provider. The IPC meeting must be held on or before the IPC effective date.

Revision to Reflect PDP Change – The IPC effective date must be on or after the date of the IPC meeting.

Special circumstances regarding the IPC effective date for an IPC revision are noted below:

  • Residential setting change: If the IPC revision is due to an individual changing residential type, the IPC effective date must be the date the individual begins receiving the new residential service type. The IPC meeting must be held on or before the IPC effective date.
  • Emergency provision of services: If the need for the revision meets the criteria for an emergency provision of services, as described in 40 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §9.166(d), the IPC effective date is the date the emergency service was provided. (See Transmittal/Submission section of these instructions for additional requirements related to emergency provision of services and submission of an IPC.)

Revision to increase/decrease an existing HCS/CFC service – The IPC effective date must be on or after the date the program provider notifies the SC of the revision.

Revision to add/change requisition fee only – The IPC effective date is the date the program provider completes Form 3608.

Address (Street, City, State, ZIP) — Enter the individual's address.

Date of Birth — Enter the individual's date of birth.

Age — Enter the individual's age.

Level of Need — Enter the individual's currently authorized level of need.

Client Assignment and Registration (CARE) ID No. — Enter the individual's CARE system identification number.

If the individual is receiving any HCS/CFC services delivered by a program provider, enter the following information about the program provider:

  • Program Provider — Enter the name of the program provider.
  • Program Provider Component Code — Enter the program provider's three-digit component code.
  • Program Provider Contract No. — Enter the contract number for the program provider.

If the individual is receiving any HCS/CFC services delivered through the CDS option, enter the following information about the Financial Management Services Agency (FMSA):

  • Financial Management Services Agency (FMSA) — Enter the name of the FMSA. The FMSA is responsible for managing the costs for services provided under the CDS option.
  • FMSA Component Code — Enter the FMSA's three-digit component code.
  • FMSA Contract No. — Enter the contract number for the FMSA.

Residential Type — Mark the appropriate box to indicate the residential type for the individual.

Location Code — Enter the location code to which the program provider has assigned the individual.

County of Service — Enter the name of the county in which the individual resides.

IPC Type — Check the IPC type that describes the reason for completing Form 3608:

Initial (Enrollment) – IPC meeting required.

Renewal – IPC meeting required.

Transfer: Contract/Service Delivery Option – IPC meeting required.

Revision to Reflect Person-Directed Plan (PDP) Change – IPC meeting required. If the need for the revision meets the criteria for an emergency provision of services, as described in 40 TAC §9.166(d), the provider also checks the "Meets Emergency Criteria §9.166(d)" box.

Revision to increase/decrease an existing service – No IPC meeting is required. If this box is checked, the provider states the reason for the increase or decrease.

Revision to add/change requisition fee only – No IPC meeting is required.

Revision to change support management – No IPC meeting is required, but all parties must sign the IPC.

Non-HCS/CFC Services Provided by Family and Other Funding Sources

Type of Service — Enter a brief description of the services the individual is receiving or will receive.

Funding Source — Enter the name of the funding source for the service.

No. of Hours Per Day — Enter the number of hours per day the individual participates or will participate in the service.

No. of Days Per Week — Enter the number of days per week the individual participates or will participate in the service.

Name of Provider — Enter the name of the person/agency providing the service.

Page 2

Individual Name (Last, First, MI) — Enter the individual's last name, first name and middle initial (must match information on Page 1).

CARE ID No. — Enter the individual's CARE system identification number (must match number on Page 1).

IPC Begin Date — Enter the date the IPC began or will begin (must match date on Page 1).

IPC End Date — Enter the date the IPC ends (must match date on Page 1).

IPC Effective Date — Enter the effective date of the applicable IPC action (must match date on Page 1).

HCS Services

Program Provider Service/Consumer Directed Service (CDS) — Self-explanatory.

I/D — For any revisions to increase or decrease an existing HCS service, enter either I (service component is being increased) or D (service component is being decreased).

Authorized Units — Enter the requested amount of each provider service or service provided under the CDS option for the IPC year. For an IPC revision or transfer IPC, enter the total number of units already provided as well as those units to be provided in the future.

Page 3

Are any services staffed by a relative or guardian? — Mark Yes or No to indicate if any HCS/CFC services (including through the CDS option) are provided by the individual's relative or guardian.

Are any services determined as critical, requiring a service back-up plan? — Mark Yes or No.

CFC Services

CFC Service/CFC CDS Service — Self-explanatory.

I/D — For any revisions to increase or decrease an existing CFC service, enter either I (service component is being increased) or D (service component is being decreased).

Authorized Units — Enter the requested amount of each program CFC service to be provided by the HCS program provider or CFC service provided under the CDS option for the IPC year. For an IPC revision or transfer IPC, enter the sum of units already provided as well as those units to be provided in the future.

Estimated Annual Totals— To be completed after data entry in the HHSC data system.

Estimated HCS Annual Total — Enter the estimated annual IPC total cost for HCS services to be provided by the program provider as shown in the HHSC data system.

Estimated CFC Annual Total — Enter the estimated annual IPC total cost for CFC services to be provided by the program provider as shown in the HHSC data system.

Estimated Combined Total (HCS and CFC) — Enter the estimated annual IPC total cost for all the HCS and CFC services to be provided by the program provider as shown in the HHSC data system.

Support Management? — Individuals can voluntarily request support management from the HCS program provider or FMSA. If the individual’s PDP indicates support management, indicate this by "Y" for yes in this field. If it is a change, the date must be entered next to the selection and the IPC must be signed by the program provider, SC and individual/LAR. An IPC revision to add support management would not be electronically transmitted to HHSC for authorization. The addition of support management would only be reflected on the hard copy Form 3608.

Page 4

Individual Name (Last, First, MI) — Enter the individual's last name, first name and middle initial (must match information on Page 1).

CARE ID No. — Enter the individual's CARE system identification number (must match number on Page 1).

IPC Begin Date — Enter the date the IPC began or will begin (must match date on Page 1).

IPC End Date — Enter the date the IPC ends (must match date on Page 1).

IPC Effective Date — Enter the effective date of the applicable IPC action (must match date on Page 1).

Service Coordinator Response — For proposed service increase/decrease IPC revisions

The SC completes this section only if a program provider notes on Page 1 under IPC Type that the IPC revision is to increase/decrease an existing HCS/CFC service and will not require an IPC meeting. In these cases, the SC must respond by completing this section and returning the completed Form 3608 to the program provider. If an IPC meeting was held, this section is not completed.

SC agrees with the IPC revision. No IPC meeting is required. — If the SC agrees that the proposed IPC revision does not require an IPC meeting, the SC checks the first box and signs and prints his name, and then returns the completed Form 3608 to the program provider within two business days after the program provider sent it to the SC.

IPC meeting is needed. — If the SC determines further discussion is necessary, the SC contacts the provider as soon as possible to discuss concerns. If no consensus can be reached after this discussion, the SC checks the box indicating an IPC meeting is needed, includes a reason for determining that an IPC meeting is needed, signs and prints his name, and returns the completed Form 3608 to the program provider within two business days after the program provider sent the form to the SC. The SC is responsible for scheduling the IPC meeting to occur as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after being notified of the need for a revision from the program provider.

There may be reasons why an SC believes an IPC meeting is needed, including:

  • the SC believes the revision may necessitate a PDP update;
  • the program provider did not give a reason for a change of services;
  • the individual/LAR or other SPT member has requested a meeting; or
  • the SC has reason to believe that the revision is not in accordance with the individual's/LAR's wishes.

At the IPC meeting scheduled by the SC, the program provider and the SPT complete a new Form 3608. For the IPC type, the provider checks "Revision to Reflect PDP Change." The IPC effective date must be on or after the IPC meeting date.

Service Coordinator Response — For certifications completed during enrollment and renewals

Individual/LAR was informed upon enrollment of the individual’s rights and responsibilities. — The SC checks this box only during an enrollment if the individual/LAR, upon enrollment, was informed of the individual’s rights and responsibilities.

Individual/LAR was informed upon enrollment of the process for filing a complaint and reporting allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation. — The SC checks this box only during an enrollment if the individual/LAR, upon enrollment, was informed of the process for filing a complaint and reporting allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Individual/LAR has been informed upon enrollment and annually of the individual’s option to transfer to other program providers as chosen by the individual as often as desired. — The SC checks this box during enrollment and renewals if the individual/LAR was informed of the individual’s option to transfer to other program providers as chosen by the individual as often as desired.

Printed Name — The SC enters their printed name.

Signature – Service Coordinator — The SC enters their signature.

HCS Program Provider/Individual/Legally Authorized Representative (LAR) Signature

Signature – Program Provider Representative — The program provider representative who attended the IPC meeting signs the form. (For an IPC revision that increases/decreases an existing HCS/CFC service and does not require an IPC meeting, enter the name of the provider representative who obtained agreement from the individual/LAR. For an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only or support management, enter the name of the program provider representative who completed the form.)

Printed Name — Enter the printed name of the program provider representative who is signing the IPC.

Date — Enter the date the program provider representative attended the IPC meeting and signed the IPC. (For an IPC revision that increases/decreases an existing HCS/CFC service and does not require an IPC meeting, enter the date the program provider representative obtained agreement from the individual/LAR. For an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only or support management, enter the date the form was completed.)

Signature – Individual/LAR — The individual must sign unless there is an LAR, in which case the LAR's signature is required. The exception is for an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only, in which case the program provider enters "requisition fee only." *

Printed Name — Enter the printed name of the individual or LAR who signed the IPC.* For an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only, the printed name of the individual or LAR is not entered.

Date — Enter the date the individual/LAR signed the IPC.* For an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only, enter the IPC effective date.

Individual/LAR participated by phone on: — Check this box if the individual/LAR participated and agreed by phone. Enter date of participation/agreement.

* (1) If the individual/LAR participates in person and agrees with the IPC, the individual/LAR signs, prints his name and enters the date of the IPC meeting. If the individual agrees by phone, the program provider checks the appropriate box and enters the date of agreement. The program provider then copies the form and sends it to the individual/LAR for signature. (2) For an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only, the provider does not need to obtain agreement from the individual/LAR and enters "requisition fee only" on the individual's signature line.

HHSC Review and Authorization (if required)

Signature – HHSC Authorized Representative — The HHSC authorized representative signs the form should a utilization review be conducted.

Date — The HHSC authorized representative enters the date the IPC utilization review was completed by the HHSC authorized representative.

Local Authority/Service Coordinator (SC) Signature

Local Authority Name — Enter the name of the local authority providing service coordination.

Signature – Service Coordinator — The SC that attended the IPC meeting signs the form.**

Printed Name — Enter the printed name of the SC who signed the IPC.**

Date — Enter the date the SC signed the IPC.**

** (1) When the SC participates in an IPC meeting in person, the SC signs, prints his name and enters the date on the day of the meeting. (2) When the SC participates in the IPC meeting by phone, the program provider writes "participated by phone" on the SC signature line, prints the SC's name and enters the date of the meeting. (3) For an IPC revision that increases/decreases an existing HCS/CFC service and doesn't require an IPC meeting, the program provider writes "notified SC" on the SC signature line, prints SC's name and enters the date this form was submitted to the SC. (Submission of this form to the SC serves as notification of an IPC revision that does not require an IPC meeting.) (4) For an IPC revision that adds/changes a requisition fee only, the program provider enters "requisition fee only" in the SC signature line and enters the IPC effective date as the signature date.

Note: For a revision that increases/decreases an existing HCS/CFC service and does not require an IPC meeting in which the individual/LAR agrees by phone, the program provider may notify the SC of the revision prior to receiving the individual/LAR's signature.

Refer to the IPC section of the HCS Handbook to review required actions following completion of this form.