Updated: 7/2021
A child care provider may use this form to request a waiver or variance related to a minimum standard for a specified period of time, without compromising the safety of children served by the operation.
When to Prepare
A provider may use this form to request a waiver or variance from a minimum standard. A waiver is appropriate if the economic impact of compliance is sufficiently great to make compliance impractical. A variance is appropriate if there is a good and just cause for the applicant or operation to meet the purpose of the standard in a different way.
See 26 Texas Administrative Code §745.8303.
A provider can apply for a waiver or variance by submitting the request through the provider’s Child Care Licensing account or by sending a completed Form 2937 to Child Care Regulation (CCR). Either way, the provider must send any supporting documentation to CCR, as needed.
Providers are encouraged to submit a waiver or variance request online through their Child Care Licensing account.
Detailed Instructions
Complete all sections of the form that are relevant to the waiver or variance prior to submitting to CCR.
Name of Operation ─ Enter the name of the operation that the request refers to. If the request is for a registered child care home or listed family home, enter the first and last name of the caregiver. If the request is for a child-placing agency, list the name of the agency.
Operation No. ─ Enter the operation number listed on the operation’s permit.
Area Code and Telephone No. ─ Self-explanatory.
Street Address of Operation, City, County and ZIP Code ─ Self-explanatory.
Name of Governing Body Representative, Area Code and Telephone No. ─ Enter the name of the person designated to represent the governing body. If the request is for a licensed child care home, registered child care home or listed family home, enter the caregiver’s name. Include the person’s area code and telephone number.
Address of Governing Body Representative, City, State and ZIP Code ─ Self-explanatory.
Information About Waiver/Variance, Questions 1 through 8 ─ Answer each question. Note: Question 10 asks which method of notification you prefer to receive for CCR’s decision to grant or deny the request. If you request to be notified by email, be sure to indicate the correct contact email address on file with CCR.
Name of Foster Home, Mailing Address of Home, Number of Children in Care, Ages, How Children Related to Foster Parent ─ Complete this information only if this request is for a child-placing agency’s foster home.
Supporting Documentation – Check the appropriate box for Attached to this Request, Emailed, Faxed or Hand Delivered.
Signature of Provider or Designee and Date Submitted ─ The document must be signed and dated by the person designated to represent the governing body or the licensed, registered or listed caregiver.
Processing the Request
- CCR staff will evaluate your waiver/variance request and make a recommendation for approval or denial to the supervisor within 15 days from the date that CCR receives the waiver/variance request.
- The supervisor or designee will review the request, along with CCR staff’s recommendations, and make the decision to grant or deny the request within 15 days of receiving the CCR staff’s recommendation.
- CCR will notify you of the decision by mail or email. depending on which notification option you selected on the form.
- If you have additional questions, contact your CCR representative.