Updated: 8/2024
A program exempt from or is otherwise not subject to regulation by Child Care Regulation (CCR) may operate legally without:
- receiving a permit from CCR; or
- complying with the statutes, administrative rules, or minimum standards that govern regulated child care in Texas.
A program is not required to submit an exemption request for CCR to determine if it is exempt. The form speeds up the process. CCR uses the information submitted with the form to determine if the program is exempt.
When to Prepare
A program submits the form to seek exemption from regulation by CCR for a program of limited duration. CCR reviews the completed form to determine if the program is exempt from CCR regulation based on an exemption in one of the following:
• Parents on premises under Section 745.117(1).
• Short-term program under 26 TAC Section 745.117(2).
• Religious program under 26 TAC Section745.117(3).
For more information, review 26 TAC Chapter 745, Licensing, Subchapter C, Operations That Are Exempt From Regulation.
If CCR does not currently regulate the program, scan and email the completed form and supporting documentation to the Unregulated Operations Unit.
If CCR currently regulates the program, scan and email the completed form and supporting documentation to your CCR representative.
Detailed Instructions
Complete all sections of the form that are relevant to your program. If you have questions about any part of the exemption request form, contact the Unregulated Operations Unit.
Section A Identifying Information – Complete all fields in this section.
Section B Program Information
Part I collects general operating information about your program.
Part II collects information about the specific type of educational program your organization is offering. Only complete the section that applies to the type of program your organization is offering.
Section C Physical Facility is Shared with Another Program collects information about any shared physical space with another program. Only complete this section if your program shares space with another program. Note: CCR collects this information to determine if your program and any other program that operates at the same location and same time are separate programs.
Section D Requested Documents is a list of documents your program is asked to submit to support that your program is exempt. Check each box for the documentation you are providing as part of your request.