Form 2067, Case Information

Instructions for Opening a Form

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Effective Date: 12/2012


Updated: 1/2011


To request and share case information not available through data inquiry.

Form 2067 is used by Health and Human Services Commission staff.


When to Prepare

Prepare Form 2067 when staff:

  • request or share information about case record transfers.
  • request or share other case information. Example: HHSC staff notify provider staff of a charge in an individual's circumstances.
  • and/or contractors in different program areas share information or request or refer services. Examples:
    • HHSC staff and Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) staff report or request information about an individual;
    • HHSC staff and service providers communicate about referrals, negotiated start dates and changes in service plans;
    • HHSC staff share information with applicants/individuals regarding the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (MERP); or
    • HHSC staff share information with applicants/individuals regarding other long-term services and supports (LTSS).

Number of Copies

Complete an original and one copy.


Send the original to staff whom you are providing information. When responding to a request for information, return the original to staff who requested the information. Place the copy in a suspense file or case folder as appropriate.

Form Retention

Retain this form according to the terms in the applicable CCSE program handbook.

Detailed Instructions

Enter names and addresses of the staff receiving and sending Form 2067. Enter the case name, address, area code and telephone number. Enter category or kind of assistance and the case or other identifying number.

Check the appropriate blocks to show what kind of information is being shared or requested or which services are requested.

Enter a description of the information being shared or requested. Use the back of the form if needed.

Enter the initiating staff's signature, date, area code and telephone number.


Enter a description of the information; use the back of the form if needed. Enter the responding staff's signature, date, area code and telephone number. Enter the name and addresses of the people receiving and sending the response.