Form H1847, Reminder to Submit Form H1852

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Effective Date: 7/2014



Updated: 7/2014



To notify Drug and Alcohol Treatment/Group Living Arrangement (D&A/GLA) facilities when they have failed to submit Form H1852, List of Resident Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and to indicate the final date to submit the form.


When to Prepare

The Texas Works advisor assigned to the facility's caseload completes Form H1847. Complete Form H1847 when the facility report is three days past due.

Number of Copies

Complete one original and one copy.


Mail the original to the facility.

Form Retention

File a copy in the facility's case file.

Detailed Instructions

Date — Enter the date the notice is sent.

To — Enter the facility's name and mailing address.

Insert due date — Enter the date that is 10 days after the date of the notice, or the following workday if the 10th day is not a workday.

The remainder of the form is advisor-completed and self-explanatory.