Form H1808, Agreement to Follow SNAP Work Rules

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Effective Date: 11/2024


Updated: 7/2023


  • To provide an overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) employment services requirements.
  • To document that the person agrees to follow all SNAP work rules after being sanctioned for noncompliance.


When to Prepare

  • Require the person who is sanctioned because of voluntary quit or noncompliance with SNAP employment services requirements to sign Form H1808.
  • By signing, the person agrees to follow all SNAP work rules.

Number of Copies

Give a copy of the signed Form H1808 to the person and send a signed copy for imaging in the case record. 

Detailed Instructions

Name — Enter the name of the recipient with the sanction for noncompliance — Enter the recipient’s SNAP EDG number.

Date — Enter the current date.

Signature — After reading the overview of the work rules, the recipient with the sanction signs the form and agrees to comply with all SNAP work rules in the future.

Date — The recipient signing the form enters the date.