Form H1710, Payment Identification

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Effective Date: 7/2003


Updated: 7/2003


  • To instruct the recipient of how to remit child or cash medical support payments.
  • To identify a child support payment which is received by the Office of the Attorney General.
  • To identify a cash medical support payment which is received by the Health and Human Service Commission Third Party Resource Unit.


When to Complete

Advisors complete Forms H1710 for TANF or Medical Program clients receiving child support or medical payments directly from a noncustodial parent.

Number of Copies

Complete a packet of six cards per recipient.


Give Forms H1710 to clients who receive child medical support payments directly from an absent parent. The client is instructed to write on the check or money order "Deposit Only — State Treasury," and send the payment with one copy of Form H1710 to the following address:

For child support:

Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit
P.O. Box 659791
San Antonio, Texas 78265-9941

For TPR:

P.O. Box 13247
Austin, Texas 78711-3247

Detailed Instructions

Form H1710 is self-explanatory.