Form H1708-A, Report of Noncooperation (Automated)

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Effective Date: 11/1989


Updated: 1/2014


The Office of Attorney General (OAG) sends information to HHSC through an interface to:

  • notify Texas Works staff about a determination of noncooperation on the part of a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Type Program (TP) 08 recipient with the child support enforcement program,
  • provide Texas Works staff with the information needed to impose sanctions against the recipient's benefits, and
  • inform the recipient of the action the individual must take in order to cooperate with the child support program requirements.


When to Prepare

OAG staff complete Form H1708-A to request that Texas Works staff penalize/sanction a TANF or TP 08 recipient who fails to cooperate with the child support enforcement program. Note: Form H1708-A applies only to TANF and TP 08 Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs).


HHSC receives the information from OAG through an interface, which automatically populates information into the case's Non-Cooperation — Details page. Additional details regarding the sanction request are populated into page-level comments.

Detailed Instructions

Follow TANF policies and procedures in Texas Works Handbook Section A-1142.