Updated: 8/2001
To advise a couple who has requested a resource assessment that
- required verification of resources has not been received, and
- their assessment request will be dropped if the verification is not submitted by the specified date.
When to Prepare
Complete Form H1273 if the couple has not submitted verification documentation by the 15th calendar day following the receipt of a completed and signed Form H1272, Resource Assessment Declaration.
Number of Copies
Complete only an original.
Send Form H1273 to the couple if the couple has not submitted verification documentation within the required time frames.
Form Retention
Keep Form H1273 in the case record for three years after the case is denied.
Detailed Instructions
Address— Self-explanatory.
Date— Self-explanatory.
Eligibility Specialist— Self-explanatory.
Office Address and Telephone Number— Self-explanatory.
Blanks— Check the box opposite the appropriate entry to indicate the type of information that is needed.
Date Blank— Enter the date that is 30 days from date that the completed and signed Form H1272 was received.