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    The Regulatory Services Division offers a strong sense of mission, competitive salaries, career advancement, paid training and education, and highly competitive benefits, including health and dental insurance, paid vacation and sick leave.

    Topics: Jobs, Long-term Care Providers, Health Services Providers, Child Care Licensing/Regulation, Health Care Facilities Regulation

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    List of all the topics, programs and services HHS offers, with links to the specific webpages for additional information.

    Topics: Aging, Disability, Financial, Health, Mental Health, Safety, Assistive Services Providers, Behavioral Health Services Providers, Health Care Facilities Regulation, Health Services Providers, Long-term Care Providers, Child Care Licensing/Regulation, WIC Providers

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    Information that contracted service providers need to do business with HHS.

    Topics: Aging, Assistive Services Providers, Behavioral Health Services Providers, Child Care Licensing/Regulation, Children, Health Care Facilities Regulation, Licensing and Credentialing, Long-term Care Providers, Reporting, Safety

3 items found.