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    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    CMP is a cost reimbursement program. HHSC does not disburse CMP funds prior to contract execution., Any purchases made prior to contract execution are not allowed and will not be reimbursed, . Organizations must submit invoices and receipts for completed projects to be reimbursed for expenses incurred pertaining to the project.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Texas HHSC has developed the WSC Provider Portal, an online system for HCS and TxHmL Waiver program providers.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    The Family Centered Case Management training module is intended to help ECI service coordinators learn the basics to provide quality case management. This training module is required for all ECI Service Coordinators.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Licensing and Credentialing, Children

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    Texas Early Childhood Intervention service coordinators with information and tools on service coordination, case management and targeted case management.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers

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    Information about the New ECI directors orientation.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers

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    Each month, HHSC requires nursing facilities who participate in the Medicaid program to report census on occupied Medicaid bed days, census of the licensed beds and children under the age 22.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers, Reporting, Data

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    HHSC contracts with programs statewide to provide developmental services to eligible children. ECI services are provided in all Texas counties.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Children, Disability

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    The performance of each local ECI program is reported on a number of indicators from the Annual Performance Report.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Data, Reporting

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    Keys to Successful Supervision is designed for supervisors. This approximately two-hour module introduces the basic concepts of supervision and moves the learner to advanced, evidence-based methods of supervision that enhance staff's ability to make positive impacts in the lives of children and families.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Licensing and Credentialing, Children

330 items found.