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    Licensing and regulatory information for residential child care operations in Texas.

    Topics: Child Care Licensing/Regulation

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    To ensure that ALF licensure applicants can meet the requirement to become licensed, HHSC has created this online computer-based training.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers, Licensing and Credentialing

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    Information about how to become an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) provider in Texas

    Topics: Licensing and Credentialing, Long-term Care Providers

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    Texas Health and Human Services contracts with licensed agencies to provide personal assistance services to people who have physical disabilities who are mentally and emotionally competent and willing to supervise their attendant or have someone who can supervise the attendant for them. The individual interviews, selects, trains, supervises and releases their personal assistants. Health-related tasks are prescribed by physician.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Information about the licensing and regulation of assisted living facilities (ALFs) in Texas.

    Topics: COVID-19, Long-term Care Providers

5 items found.