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Current and past alert notifications for 24-hour Residential Child Care Providers.
Topics: Child Care Licensing/Regulation, Licensing and Credentialing
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Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation
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Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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Current and past provider news for Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS).
Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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Current and past Information and Provider Letters for Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS).
Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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Current and past information and provider letters for Adult Foster Care (AFC).
Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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Licensing and regulation information for General Hospital Providers in Texas.
Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation, Licensing and Credentialing
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Review the list of required forms that must be submitted for each Long-term Care contract application.
Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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CMP is a cost reimbursement program. HHSC does not disburse CMP funds prior to contract execution., Any purchases made prior to contract execution are not allowed and will not be reimbursed, . Organizations must submit invoices and receipts for completed projects to be reimbursed for expenses incurred pertaining to the project.
Topics: Long-term Care Providers
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A special care facility is an establishment that provides a continuum of nursing or medical care or services primarily to persons with acquired immune deficiency syndrome or other terminal illnesses. A special care facility may also include special residential care facilities.
Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation
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A Rural Health Clinic is a clinic located in a rural area designated as a shortage area. It may not exist as a rehabilitation agency or function primarily as a care and treatment facility for mental diseases.
Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation
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Portable X-Ray Services must meet requirements of the federal Medicare Program and are not state licensed nor are they accredited.
Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation
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HHSC is responsible for developing rules that establish minimum standards for licensing procedures, operational requirements, standards for voluntary agreements, enforcement procedures, fire prevention and safety requirements, and physical plant and construction requirements for private psychiatric hospitals and crisis stabilization units.
Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation
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Licensure and regulatory information for Freestanding emergency medical care facilities
Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation