WIC Weekly Memos and Bulletins

Documents are listed in order by date posted on the Web, which may be different from the date on the memo. Some of the memo attachments are too complex to attach to the memos and may be sent in the Current Memos emails that you receive weekly. For older memos please email us.

Case-sensitive. Use commas to separate multiple entries.
Enter a four-digit year.
Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
Number Title/Notes Date Published
19-076 Now Accepting Applications! FY21-FY23 Texas WIC Innovation Centers 9/30/2019
19-078 FD 19.0 Managing Returned Formula Draft Policy Available Effective 10-1-19 9/30/2019
19-077 WIC Wellness Works - Relax, Sleep and Renew Challenge Coming in November! 9/30/2019
19-075 Early Childhood Intervention Handout 9/20/2019
19-074 New self-paced training added to the WIC Training Catalog 9/19/2019
19-073 Register for Santa Fe Community College Fall 2019 Nutrition Courses 9/18/2019
19-072 Revisions to Texas WIC Policy CS:18.0 9/17/2019
19-071 Revisions to Your Guide to Your New Baby: Birth to 3 Months 9/10/2019
19-070 Disability Determination Letters 9/9/2019
19-069 FY 20 Approved Foods and WIC Shopping 9/9/2019
19-068 New WIC Directors' Orientation 9/6/2019
19-067 New self-paced trainings added to the WIC Training Catalog 8/26/2019
19-066 Returned Formula Policy Change October 1, 2019 8/26/2019
19-065 Revised Civil Rights training available 9/01/2019 8/22/2019
19-064 Prenatal Breastfeeding Education Bag Order Opportunity 8/21/2019
19-063 WIC Materials with 2019 Income Guidelines are now Available to Order 8/21/2019
19-062 Transition of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program Website 8/21/2019
19-061 Civil Rights Policy Revisions 8/20/2019
19-060 Breastfeeding Coordinator Sharing Session–September 2019 8/19/2019
19-059 Nov 1st Food Package Change-PB for 1 Year Olds 8/8/2019