Licensed Child Care Administrator and Licensed Child-Placing Agency Administrators

The Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Regulation of Child-Care and Child-Placing Agency Administrators, mandates that a person may not serve as an administrator of a child-placing agency without a Child-Placing Agency Administrator License and may not serve as an administrator of a child care institution without a Child Care Administrator License. However, you may not need a Child Care Administrator License to serve as a child care administrator for an emergency shelter located in a county with a population of less than 40,000 if we exempt the emergency shelter from needing a licensed child care administrator. You must have an Administrator License to serve as an administrator in all other circumstances.

This statute prohibits any person whose license has expired from engaging in the activities that require a license until the license has been renewed. Please also note that if your license becomes expired for one year or longer, you may not renew your license. You must obtain a new license.



If you have further questions, email the CCR Licensed Administrator Program or call 210-337-3508.