What is TAS?
Transition Assistance Services helps people who reside in a nursing facility and who are Medicaid-eligible to set up a household in the community if the person will be enrolling in one of the following Medicaid waiver programs upon discharge from the nursing facility:
- Community Living Assistance and Support Services
- Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities
- Medically Dependent Children Program
Provider Communications
Don't Miss Out on Emails from HHS
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission contracts with a company called Granicus to provide email updates, called GovDelivery. In accordance with your contract, and contracting rules at 40 Texas Administrative Code §49.302(g), you must subscribe to receive HHSC email updates, using this GovDelivery signup, and select Information Letters, Provider Alerts and the contract program type(s).
When you sign up for email updates, you are giving your information to both HHSC and to Granicus. When HHSC has your information, it is subject to the HHSC privacy policy. When Granicus has your information, it is subject to the Granicus GovDelivery privacy policy.
Contact Program Staff
- Contracting Information: 512-438-3550
- Contract Oversight: Contracted Community Services unit manager
- Regional nurses: Community Services regional contacts for your region
How to Become a Provider
To be eligible to provide services and receive reimbursement for these services, a provider agency must meet certain eligibility criteria. Rules regarding program and contracting requirements can be found in Title 40 of the Texas Administrative Code as follows:
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 62: Contracting to Provide Transition Assistance Services
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 49: Contracting for Community Care Services
Open Enrollment Process
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission accepts applications through its open enrollment process to contract for the Transition Assistance Services program. Under the open enrollment process, HHSC awards contracts on a noncompetitive basis to eligible applicants meeting provider qualifications and other eligibility requirements.
Applications for TAS can be submitted year-round with no deadline. TAS program provider applicants must complete the application packet and include all required documents in accordance with HHSC instructions.
Visit the Contractor Enrollment Process & Requirements page for more information about HHSC provider enrollment process and requirements.
Once you have met the minimum eligibility criteria, you may review the required application documents at:
The forms may be downloaded for completion. Completed forms and any additional required information should be mailed to:
Regular mail
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Contract Administration and Provider Monitoring - Waiver Program Enrollments
Mail Code W-359
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, TX 78714-9030
Overnight/Express delivery
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Attention: Contract Administration and Provider Monitoring - Waiver Program Enrollments
Mail Code W-359
701 West 51st St.
Austin, TX 78751
Should you have any questions regarding the enrollment process for these programs, contact Contract Administration and Provider Monitoring - Waiver Program Enrollments at 512-438-3234.
Statutes & Rules
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 62 Contracting to Provide Transition Assistance Services
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 49: Contracting for Community Services