What is RC?
Residential Care provides a 24-hour living arrangement in a licensed facility that provides:
- Personal care
- Home management
- Escort
- Social and recreational activities
- Transportation
- 24-hour supervision
- Supervision of/assistance with or direct administration of medication
Provider Communications
Don’t Miss Out on Emails from HHS
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission contracts with a company called Granicus to provide email updates, called GovDelivery. In accordance with your contract, and contracting rules at 40 Texas Administrative Code §49.302(g), you must subscribe to receive HHSC email updates, using this GovDelivery signup, and select Information Letters, Provider Alerts and the contract program type(s).
When you sign up for email updates, you are giving your information to both HHSC and to Granicus. When HHSC has your information, it is subject to the HHSC privacy policy. When Granicus has your information, it is subject to the Granicus GovDelivery privacy policy.
Contact Program Staff
For questions about:
- Contract oversight: Contact Information for Eligibility Operations Provider Contract Management (PDF)
- Information regarding eligibility criteria: contact your local HHS office
- Program provider policy, email: CCADPolicy@hhsc.state.tx.us
- Nursing or other services: contact one of the Community Services Regional Contacts for your region
How to Become a Provider
Residential Care providers must be licensed as an assisted living facility and have a contract with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
Statutes & Rules
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 46: Contracting to Provide Assisted Living and Residential Care Services
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 49: Contracting for Community Services
- United States Code, Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter XIX, §1396
- United States Code, Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter XX, §1397-1397f
Other Rules and Statutes
This program is funded fully or in part by the federal government. The information provided on this webpage does not necessarily represent the official views or endorsement of the U.S. government.