Time Frames
- Completed applications for the renewal must be submitted 60 days before the current license expires. An applicant who submits an application for renewal after the 60th day before the expiration date of the license must pay a late fee of $50 per day for each day after 60 days that the application is submitted; the total amount of a late fee may not exceed $500.
- A license expires on the third anniversary after the effective date.
- The Health and Human Services Commission may pend action on an application for the renewal of a license for up to 6 months if the center is not in compliance with the licensing standards based an on-site inspection.
License Application Required Documents
- Visit the TULIP website for application forms and instructions.
- A letter of credit for $250,000 from a bank that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Management Company Agreement, if applicable
- A copy of an approved inspection of the center by the local fire marshal
- Property documents (lease, sublease or deed)
- $2,625
Late Renewal Fee
Assessed when application is not submitted within 60 days of license expiration.
- $50 per day for each day after the 60 day deadline that the application is submitted. Total amount of a late fee may not exceed $500.