MDCP Information and Provider Letters
Number | Title/Notes | Date Published |
IL 2023-33 | Attendant Services in Various Programs | 9/1/2023 |
IL 2023-21 | Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2023 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout | 5/25/2023 |
IL 2023-18 | ARPA and HCBS Provider Retention Payments Attestation and Reporting Requirements Note: Replaces IL 2022-52 |
5/19/2023 |
IL 2022-46 | Payment Rates for Financial Management Services Agencies Effective September 1, 2022 (Revised) | 8/18/2022 |
IL2022-45 | Payment Rates for Financial Management Services Agencies Effective September 1, 2022 | 8/18/2022 |
IL 2022-30 | American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Provider Retention Payments (Revised) Note: Revised June 24, 2022 |
6/24/2022 |
IL 2022-31 | Preparing for the upcoming Fiscal year 2022 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout | 5/19/2022 |
IL 2020-24 | Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal year 2020 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout | 6/12/2020 |
IL 2015-37 | Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2015 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout | 6/24/2015 |
IL 2014-74 | Contract and Fiscal Compliance Monitoring Updated Negative Billing Procedures Note: Replaces IL 13-28 |
11/7/2014 |
IL 2014-35 | Electronic Visit Verification Liquidated Damages | 7/2/2014 |
IL 2014-34 | Children and Young Adults Who Receiving Services in the Medically Dependent Children Program in the Medicaid Rural Service Areas will be Transferred Back to Fee-For-Service (REVISED) | 7/1/2014 |
IL 2014-22 | Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Billing Closeout | 6/3/2014 |
IL 2013-69 | Respite Rates for 1915(c) Medicaid Waiver Providers - Room and Board Charges | 10/15/2013 |
IL 2013-50 (Revised) | Required Base Wages of Personal Attendants Effective September 1, 2013, and September 1, 2014 | 8/22/2013 |
IL 2013-29 | Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2013 Claims Billing Closeout | 6/28/2013 |
IL 2013-25 | Contract and Fiscal Compliance Monitoring Implementation of Intermittent Monitoring - Effective Date June 1, 2013 | 5/3/2013 |
IL 2013-19 | Contract Re-Enrollment and Required Use of the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System in Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) EVV Counties | 4/10/2013 |
IL 2012-89 | Required use of the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System in Regions 5 and 6 Where Participation is Mandatory Effective November 15, 2012 | 12/17/2012 |
IL 2012-86 | Handling of Sensitive Personal Information and Breach Notification | 11/27/2012 |