Day Activity and Health Services Facility
Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 559, Day Activity and Health Services Requirements
General Posting Requirements (26 TAC Section 559.61(e) -- A day and activity health services (DAHS) facility must prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public area of the facility that is readily available to clients, employees and visitors:
- The license issued under Chapter 559.
- A sign prescribed by HHSC that describes complaint procedures and specifies how complaints may be filed with HHSC (Call 512-438-2633 or email to request posting).
- A notice in a form prescribed by HHSC stating that inspection and related reports are available at the facility for public inspection and providing HHSC’s toll-free telephone number 1-800-458-9858 that may be used to obtain information concerning the facility.
- A copy of the most recent inspection report relating to the facility.
- A brochure or letter that outlines the DAHS facility’s hours of operations, holidays, and a description of activities offered.
- Emergency telephone numbers, including the abuse hotline telephone number near all telephones.
Menus (26 TAC Section 559.62(h)(1))
A DAHS facility must plan, date, and post menus at least two weeks in advance; maintain copies of the menus; and serve meals according to approved menus.
“No Smoking” Sign (26 TAC Section 559.42(c)(1)(G)) -- A DAHS facility must:
- Establish and enforce smoking regulations and conspicuously post them in the facility.
- Prohibit smoking in any room, ward, or compartment where flammable liquids, combustible gas, or oxygen are used or stored and in any other hazardous location. The facility must post a "No Smoking" sign in these areas.
Assisted Living Facilities
TAC, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 553, Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities
General Posting Requirements (26 TAC Section 553.271) – An assisted living facility (ALF) must prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public area of the facility that is readily available to residents, employees, and visitors:
- The license issued under Chapter 553.
- A sign prescribed by HHSC that specifies complaint procedures established under these rules and specifies how complaints may be filed with HHSC. (Call 512-438-2633 or email to request posting.)
- A sign in a public area of the facility stating: "CASES OF SUSPECTED ABUSE, NEGLECT, OR EXPLOITATION SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE TEXAS HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION BY CALLING 1-800-458-9858." (Each ALF is responsible for developing and posting this sign.)
- A notice in the form prescribed by HHSC stating that inspection and related reports are available at the ALF for public inspection and providing the HHSC’s toll-free telephone number 1-800-458-9858 that may be used to obtain information concerning the ALF.
- A copy of the ALF’s most recent inspection report.
- The Residents’ Bill of Rights.
- The Providers’ Bill of Rights.
- The telephone number of the managing local ombudsman and the toll-free number of the HHSC Long Term Care Ombudsman’s Program, 1-800-252-2412.
- The ALF's normal 24-hour staffing patterns.
Authorized Electronic Monitoring (AEM) Notice (26 TAC Section 553.267(d)(7) –- An ALF, regardless of whether AEM is being conducted, must post an 8 ½-inch by 11-inch notice at the main facility entrance entitled “Electronic Monitoring” and stating, in large, easy-to-read type, “The rooms of some residents may be monitored electronically by or on behalf of the residents. Monitoring may not be open and obvious in all cases.”
Alzheimer's Disease or Related Disorders Certificate (26 TAC Section 553.27(f) and (i)) – An ALF must post the facility’s or unit’s Alzheimer’s certificate in a prominent location for public view, and must remove a cancelled certificate from display and advertising and surrender the certificate to HHSC.
Emergency Evacuation Floor Plan (26 TAC Section 553.104(b)) – All ALFs, except small, one-story facilities, must post an emergency evacuation floor plan.
Emergency Telephone Numbers (26 TAC Sections 553.118(c), 553.138(c), 553.148(c), 553.218(c) , 553.228(c), 553.238(c), and 553.248(c)) – An ALF must post telephone numbers, including for fire, police, ambulance, emergency medical service (EMS), and poison control center conspicuously at or near the telephone in the ALF available to both staff and residents to use in the case of an emergency.
Nursing Facilities
Title 26, TAC, Part 1, Chapter 554, Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification; and Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapter IV, Subchapter G, Part 483, Requirements for States and Long Term Care Facilities
F575/N1127 – Contact Information for State Resident Advocacy Groups
42 CFR Section 483.10(g)(5) and 26 TAC Section 554.403(j)(2) -- A nursing facility (NF) must post in a form accessible and understandable to residents and resident representatives a list of names, addresses (mailing and email), and telephone numbers of all pertinent State resident advocacy groups such as HHSC, adult protective services where state law provides for jurisdiction in long-term care facilities, the HHSC Long-term Care Ombudsman Program, the protection and advocacy network, the local contact agency for information about returning to the community, and, in Medicaid-certified NFs, the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (1-800-436-6184).
F575 -- Complaint Sign
42 CFR Section 483.10(g)(5) -- An NF must post in a form accessible and understandable to residents and resident representatives a statement that the resident may file a complaint with HHSC concerning any suspected violation of state or federal NF regulations, including but not limited to resident abuse, neglect, exploitation, misappropriation of resident property in the NF, non-compliance with the advance directives requirements (42 CFR part 489 subpart I), and requests for information regarding returning to the community.
N1921 -- Complaint Sign
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(2) -- Each licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), the complaint sign provided by HHSC with the HHSC toll-free telephone number by which a resident, employee, or visitor can make a complaint. (Call 512-438-2633 or email to request posting).
F579/N1141 -- Certain Written Information about Medicare and Medicaid
42 CFR Section 483.10(g)(13 ) and 26 TAC Section 554.403(m)(5) -- An NF must prominently display in the NF’s written information, and provide to residents and applicants for admission oral and written information about how to apply for and use Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and how to receive refunds for previous payments covered by such benefits.
F732/N1518-1520 and N1932 – Nursing Staffing Information
42 CFR Section 483.35(g) and 26 TAC Section 554.1001(b)(1)-(2) and Section 554.1921(e)(13) — An NF must conspicuously and prominently post the following information, in a clear and readable format and a prominent place readily accessible and available to residents, employees, and visitors, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e):
- On a daily basis:
- Facility name
- Current date
- Resident census
- Specific shifts for the day
- At the beginning of each shift, the total number of hours and actual time of day to be worked by the following licensed and unlicensed nursing staff, including relief personnel directly responsible for resident care:
- Registered nurses (RNs)
- Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs)
- Certified nurse aides (CNAs)
- In addition, the licensed NF must make the information required to be posted available to the public upon request.
N1920 – NF License
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(1) – Each licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post the NF license in accordance with Section 554.1921(e).
F577 – Most Recent Survey/Inspection Results and Notice of Availability of Survey/Inspection Results
42 CFR Section 483.10(g)(11) – An NF must:
- Post in a place readily accessible to residents, family members, and legal representatives of residents, the results of the most recent survey of the facility.
- Have reports with respect to any surveys, certifications, and complaint investigations made respecting the facility during the three preceding years, and any plan of correction in effect with respect to the facility, available for any individual to review upon request.
- Post notice of the availability of such reports in areas of the facility that are prominent and accessible to the public.
N1922 –- Availability of Survey/Inspection Reports
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(3) -- A licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), an HHSC-prescribed notice about the availability of inspection and related reports at the facility for public inspection. (Call 512-438-2633 or email to request posting).
N1194 – Availability of the Most Recent Survey Results
26 TAC Section 554.409(b) A licensed NF must make the most recent survey results available for examination by residents in a place readily accessible to residents, and must post a notice of their availability.
N1923 – Most Recent Survey/Inspection Summary Report
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(4) – A licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a concise summary prepared by HHSC of the most recent inspection report.
N1924 – HHSC Phone Number for Survey/Inspection Summary Report
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(5) -- A licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a notice of HHSC’s toll-free number 1-800-458-9858 to request summary reports relating to the quality of care, recent investigations, litigation or other aspects of the operation of the facility that are available to the public.
N1925 -- HHSC Phone Number for Nursing Facility Administrator Information
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(6) -- A licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a notice that HHSC can provide information about the nursing facility administrator at 512-438-2015.
N1926 – Suspend Admissions Notice
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(7) -- If a licensed NF has been ordered to suspend admissions, the NF must conspicuously and prominently post a notice of the suspension which must be posted also on all doors providing public ingress to and egress from the NF.
N1099, N1927 – Statement of Residents’ Rights
26 TAC Section 554.401(e) and Section 554.1921(e)(8) – A licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.401(e), the Statement of Residents’ Rights provided in 26 TAC Section 554.401(e) and any additional facility requirements involving residents’ rights and responsibilities.
N1928 – Protection from Discrimination or Retaliation Notice
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(9) – A licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a notice that employees, other staff, residents, volunteers, and family members and guardians of residents are protected from discrimination or retaliation as provided by the Texas Health and Safety Code, Sections 260A.014 and 260A.015; and that the NF has available for public inspection a copy of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 260A.
N1929 -- Suspected Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation Reporting Sign
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(10) -- A licensed NF must post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a prominent and conspicuous sign for display in a public area of the NF that is readily available to the residents, employees, and visitors and that includes the statement: CASES OF SUSPECTED ABUSE, NEGLECT, OR EXPLOITATION SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) BY CALLING 1-800-458-9858.
N1930 – Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Disclosure Statement
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(10) -- For a licensed NF that advertises, markets, or otherwise promotes that it provides services to residents with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, the NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a disclosure statement describing the nature of its care or treatment of resident with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in accordance with 26 TAC Section 554.204(b)(4) (relating to Application Requirements).
N1931 – Concealed Handgun Sign
26 TAC Section 554.1921(e)(11) -- At each entrance to the facility, a licensed NF must conspicuously and prominently post, in accordance with Section 554.1921(e), a sign that states that a person may not enter the premises with a concealed handgun and that complies with Texas Government Code, Section 411.204 (Call 512-438-2633 or email to request posting).
N1255 – Authorized Electronic Monitoring Notice
26 TAC Section 554.422(g) -- A licensed NF, regardless of whether authorized electronic monitoring (AEM) is being conducted, must post an 8-inch by 11-inch notice at the main entrance. The notice must be entitled "Electronic Monitoring" and must state, in large easy to read type, "The rooms of some residents may be monitored electronically by or on behalf of the residents. Monitoring may not be open and obvious in all cases."
N1117 – Rights and Services Document
26 TAC Section 554.403(e) – A licensed NF must post copies of the following documents in a conspicuous location:
- The resident's rights and all rules and regulations governing resident conduct and responsibilities during the stay in the NF.
- The NF admission policies.
- The description of the protection of personal funds as described in 26 TAC Section 554.404.
- The Human Resources Code, Title 6, Chapter 102; or a written list of the rights and responsibilities contained in the Human Resources Code, Title 6, Chapter 102.
- The written description of the services available through the HHSC Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
- HHSC rules and the facility's policies related to the use of restraints and involuntary seclusion. This information must also be given to the resident's legally authorized representative, if the resident has one.
- The written statement to the resident, the resident's next of kin, or guardian describing the NF’s policy for:
- The drug testing of employees who have direct contact with residents and
- The criminal history checks of employees and applicants for employment.