How will I know when I need to complete the PASRR Evaluation?
Local authorities/local mental health authorities will receive an electronic notification through the Long-Term Care Online portal on the "Alerts" page. The alert will tell the local authority what action needs to be completed.
How do I access the 'Alerts' page?
- Log onto
- Click 'providers' on the green bar located at the top of the screen.
- Click 'Long Term Care' on the yellow bar
- Click the 'Log In to LTC Online Portal' button on the blue bar
- Enter your username and password. Click the 'OK' button, then the Form Status Inquiry page will display
- Click the 'Alerts' link located on the blue navigational bar
I am receiving faxed PL1s from hospitals, is this correct?
Local authorities should only receive Preadmission positive PL1s from hospitals (see definition starred above). Because this is unlikely when you receive a PL1 from a hospital, contact the person completing the form to review the Expedited Admission categories and Exempted Hospital Discharge types to ensure the correct PASRR process is being followed.
A hospital requested our local authority come out to complete the PL1, is this correct?
No. The hospital is the referring entity and therefore responsible for completing the PL1.
A hospital requested our local authority come out to complete the PE, is this correct?
It could be but be careful. See the answer to question No. 3. Be sure the person is a preadmission positive before scheduling and performing the PE. Enlist the assistance of state office staff as needed, DSHS for mental illness, HHSC for IDD. The local authority/LMHA should determine from the hospital the specific reason the person is being hospitalized, as it likely falls into one of the expedited categories.
We received a PL1 for a nursing facility in a different county, how do we erase the alert?
- Contact the referring entity and inform them of the incorrect submission and the need to submit to the correct local authority.
- Contact the correct local authority and fax the PL1 form.
- Erase the alert by clicking the 'Delete' button associated with the alert for your local authority.
How long do we have to complete the converted PL1s?
Converted PL1s are identified by a unique status of "Individual placed in NF." This is how you will distinguish this PL1 from standard submissions requiring completion within seven days. Each local authority will work with HHSC PASRR unit to determine a reasonable timeline for completion. HHSC suggests six months for completion of the PL1 conversion activities.
Is it 72 hours or three days to initiate the PASRR Evaluation?
The timeframe to initiate the PASRR Evaluation is 72 hours. The timeframe to complete it is seven days from the date of initial notification.
What happens if we don't complete the PASRR Evaluation within seven days?
HHSC is accruing qualitative data reports which will capture any trends of non-compliance. These issues can have a negative financial impact during annual on-site program surveys.
What happens if the portal is down and we can't submit the PE within seven days?
At no time should a local authority wait until the last possible day of submission to submit. It is HHSC's expectation the PASRR Evaluation will be submitted in a timely manner, at the first opportunity. Should effective time management fail to prevent timely submission of the PASRR Evaluation, the local authority should send a pdf of the completed paper form of it to the HHSC PASRR inbox and submit to the portal upon first availability.
Can the PL1 and PASRR Evaluation be completed and entered on the same day?
What if a PASRR Evaluation alert comes in over the weekend or a holiday?
No matter when the alert comes in to the local authority, the timeframes for completing the PASRR Evaluation remain the same: 72 hours for initiation and seven days for completion and submission to the portal.
What if a person was admitted to a nursing facility without my knowledge and now the nursing facility wants me to do the PASRR Evaluation?
- The local authority should determine the admission type.
- If the admission was positive preadmission, the local authority should travel to the nursing facility to complete the PL1; initiate the PASRR Evaluation within 72 hours; and submit it within seven days of first notification.
- If the admission was expedited or exempted hospital discharge, advise the nursing facility to enter the PL1 and the local authority will respond to the PASRR Evaluation alert.
What do I do if a family or physician's office calls me to complete the PASRR Evaluation?
Request the referring entity fax the completed PL1 to the local authority/LMHA. If the referring entity has not completed the PL1 refer to, or provide, a blank PL1 form. Advise the referring entity to fax the completed form to the local authority/LMHA and follow preadmission process for nursing facility admission.
Is there reimbursement for completing the PL1?
Are local authorities supposed to help nursing facility residents find alternate placement?
- The local authority/LMHA will verify and/or document preferences on PL1 Form.
- The local authority/LMHA will inform the person/legally authorized representative of community waiver programs for which they are eligible.
- The local authority/LMHA will enter the person's name on waiver program interests lists as appropriate.
- Nursing facility discharge staff will remain the primary facilitator of alternate placement for their residents.
Which local authority completes the PASRR Evaluation if the person is dually diagnosed?
The PASRR Evaluation has two sections: one for IDD and one for mental illness. The local authority/LMHA username and password designates security access to either the mental illness or IDD sections.
- If your authority serves both populations, mental illness and IDD, you will have access to both sections of the form.
- If your authority only serves one population, either mental illness or IDD, you will only have access to that section of the form.
- If the authorities are separate, each must log into the portal and complete either the mental illness or IDD sections.
- The PASRR Evaluation is not complete until all applicable sections of the form are entered into the portal.
What happens if I do the PASRR Evaluation and the person doesn't have mental illness, an intellectual disability or developmental disability?
The local authority will enter the PASRR Evaluation into the portal and that will end the PASRR process for the person. The local authority will be paid for completion of the PASRR Evaluation. The purpose of the PASRR Evaluation is to confirm or deny the suspicion documented on the PL1 so this might happen; it is part of the proper identification process.
What happens if I go out to do the IDD PASRR Evaluation and the person has mental illness also?
Request the nursing facility re-enter the PL1, click the 'Update' button, check C0100 'Yes' and submit the PL1 onto the portal. If this does not submit it, request the nursing facility enter a new PL1 form with the correct PASRR suspicions documented. Enlist the assistance of state office if the nursing facility fails to cooperate. The submission of the corrected PL1 form will erase the alerts linked to the incorrectly submitted PL1 form.
What happens if I go out to do the mental illness PASRR Evaluation and the person has an intellectual and developmental disability also?
Request the nursing facility re-enter the PL1, click the 'Update' button, check C0200 or C0300, whichever is applicable, 'Yes' and submit the PL1 onto the portal. If this does not allow successful submission of the PL1 request, the nursing facility will need to enter a new PL1 form with the correct PASRR suspicions documented. Enlist the assistance of state office if the nursing facility fails to cooperate. The submission of the corrected PL1 form will erase the alerts linked to the incorrectly submitted PL1 form.
What happens if I go out to do the developmental disability PASRR Evaluation and the person's developmental disability did not onset before age 22?
In B0200, indicate 'No', complete the remainder of evaluation and submit the PASRR Evaluation onto the portal. The PASRR process ends for this person if there is no intellectual disability or mental illness diagnosis.
What happens if I go out to do the PASRR Evaluation and the person seems to have a mental illness or IDD but there is no documented evidence?
The local authority/LMHA will follow standard practices to obtain a Determination of Intellectual Disability and/or applicable mental health testing. If this is a preadmission type, the person cannot be admitted before completion of the PASRR Evaluation. If the local authority/LMHA fears for the person's health or safety, contact your local police department or adult protective services.