Local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs) serve as the point of entry for publicly funded intellectual and developmental disability programs, whether the program is provided by a public or private entity. This includes the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review program. LIDDAs:
- Are responsible for completing PASRR Evaluations, also known as PEs, for people with a suspicion of ID/DD seeking admission to a Medicaid-certified nursing facility. The LIDDA Performance Contract, section A-4, outlines more responsibilities concerning the PASRR program (see below).
- Assist with appropriate community placement of people with IDD. This includes diverting or transitioning people from nursing facilities into community living options.
- Provide or contract to provide an array of services and supports for people with IDD.
- Are responsible for enrolling eligible people into the following Medicaid programs:
- Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Condition, also known as an ICF/IID, which includes state supported living centers.
- Home and Community-based Services.
- Texas Home Living.
- Are responsible for Permanency Planning for consumers 22 years old and younger who live in an ICF/IID, state supported living center or a residential setting of the HCS program.
LIDDA Performance Contract
Descriptions of current LIDDA PASRR-related forms are in the current LIDDA Performance Contract, in Attachment A-4: PASRR Requirements and Enhanced Community Coordination (PDF). Note that while the descriptions of PASRR forms are found in Attachment A-4, the actual forms are linked from the LIDDA Handbook Forms page or the HHSC general forms page. On the HHSC Forms page, you can search for all HHS forms by number, title or instructions keyword. Any form marked with -S indicates a Spanish language form.
- Form 1014 – PASRR Evaluation Report
- Form 1064 – Habilitative Assessment
- Form 1054 – Community Living Options
- Form 1057 – Habilitation Service Plan
- Form 1042 – Pre-Move Site Review
- Form 1043 – Post-Move Monitoring
- Form 1044/Form 1044-S – Refusal of Service Coordination for Individuals Residing in Nursing Facilities
- Form 1050 – Diversion Plan
- Form 2360/Form 2360-S – Negative PASRR Evaluation Letter
- Form 2361 – PASRR Specialized Services Fair Hearing Request
Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership Provider Education Training Materials Webpage
PASRR Information and Additional Resources
LIDDA Communications and Information Letters
Texas HHS Office of the Ombudsman
Rules and Requirements
LIDDA Performance Contract A-4 PASRR (PDF)
Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 303
Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 554, Subchapter BB
PASRR Code of Federal Regulations” 42 CFR Subpart C (beginning at 483.100)
PASRR Webinars, Online Trainings, and Classroom Trainings
The following information and resources can help LIDDA staff recognize their responsibilities and learn how to navigate each step of the PASRR process.
LIDDA Webinars
LIDDA staff are required to participate in a monthly LA webinar. Check with your supervisor at your LIDDA to get put on the list. Further questions? Contact the IDD Services Associate Commissioner’s Office
Online Trainings
There are several web-based courses on this website. Most of those listed below need to be accessed via the HHS Learning Portal’s PASRR Training Webpage.
- Introduction to Person-Centered Thinking Training
- PASRR 101 Web-based Training
- PASRR Rules: TAC Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 19, Subchapter BB Training
- PASRR Referring Entity Training
- PASRR PL1: Back to Basics Training
- PASRR Evaluation Training
- PASRR Specialized Services for LIDDA Service Coordinators Training
Instructor-led Trainings
To schedule the instructor-led, in-person classroom training courses below, visit the PASRR Training webpage.
- PASRR for Service Coordinators Training
- PASRR for Service Coordinators – PL1 Screening and PE Training
- Person-Centered Thinking Training (PCT) teaches participants how to use person-centered thinking skills. This concept was developed by Michael Smull and the International Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. The course will help learners discover what is important to and important for the person being served and find the balance needed to best support them in achieving their desired outcomes.
Person-Centered Thinking Training is a two-day, classroom-based course hosted by HHSC which will allow you to learn and practice a variety of skills to identify information that supports the work we do and the people we serve, work with, and live with.- Prerequisite: The prerequisite for the in-person course is the online Introduction to Person-Centered Thinking Training available in the HHS Learning Portal.