The EVV Training policy (Section 4200 of the EVV Policy Handbook) requires program providers, financial management services agencies, and Consumer Directed Services employers to complete all required training before using an EVV system, and then annually. The EVV Training Requirements Checklists (PDF) provides more detailed information about these training requirements and how to complete them.
EVV Policy Training
Program providers, FMSAs and CDS employers can complete annual EVV policy training requirements in the HHS Learning Portal.
- The EVV Learning Portal Guide (PDF) provides instructions on creating an account on the HHS Learning Portal, including how to locate and enroll in EVV policy training courses.
EVV Portal Training
Program providers and FMSAs can access the TMHP Learning Management System to complete annual EVV Portal training requirements. Visit the TMHP EVV Training webpage for more information.
EVV Vendor System Training
For EVV vendor system training, visit the HHAeXchange Learning Management System training portal, or contact:
- HHAeXchange
Phone: 833-430-1307
More information about the EVV vendor and their system is available on the TMHP EVV Vendor webpage.