Most LIDDA training opportunities are located on the HHS Learning Portal and listed below for easy reference. For the HHS Learning Portal, LIDDA employees need to create an account on the learning portal for access to the training courses.
The HHS Learning Portal provides a broad array of courses designed to help maximize your knowledge regarding HHS services and programs. The learning portal offers a convenient way to take training online. This allows easy access to relevant topics and authorized trainings by HHS agencies. The HHS Learning Portal offers:
- Easy-to-follow curriculum in an online format, and
- Printable course completion certificates, which may include continuing education units (CEU) credit, if applicable.
Access the HHS Learning Portal
The following training opportunities and resources are:
ANE Competency Training and Exam
This course meets the basic abuse, neglect and exploitation training requirements for staff providing direct care in a community setting. with an introduction to trauma and its impact on the people we serve.
Behavior Support Plan Requirements and Expectations
A resource that reviews the necessary steps for getting a Behavior Support Plan in place and implementing the program.
CARE Basics for the HCS and TxHmL Interest Lists
This training provides basic instruction to register the names of individuals who request Home and Community Services and Texas Home Living services in the Client Assignment and Registration System. Topics in this training include adding, deleting, and transferring individuals' personal information for the HCS and TxHmL interest lists. This training is recommended for LIDDA staff who utilize CARE to complete HCS and TxHmL interest list processes. Begin the training.
Community First Choice in Medicaid Managed Care Organizations
This training discusses Community First Choice (CFC) as it applies to persons receiving non-waiver CFC services in Medicaid managed care organizations. This training is required annually for LIDDA staff and service coordinators who facilitate non-wavier CFC services and processes.
Community First Choice in the HCS and TxHmL Programs
This training discusses the implementation of CFC as it applies to persons receiving services through the HCS and TxHmL waiver programs.
As required by the LIDDA Performance Contract, all enrollment staff at a LIDDA must complete this training before performing enrollment activities and at least annually thereafter for as long as the staff performs enrollment activities for the LIDDA.
Documentation of Outcomes in Person-Centered Plans
This training is an optional course for anyone involved in developing personal outcomes as part of a person-centered plan.
Electronic Visit Verification Overview
The Electronic Visit Verification Overview is a webinar providing an overview of electronic visit verification to service coordinators presenting Form 8516, HCS/TxHmL Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information, to persons or their legally authorized representatives. This training is required annually for all HCS and TxHmL service coordinators.
Employment First Discovery Tool
The Employment First Discovery Tool is a presentation providing an overview of Form 8401, the Employment First Discovery Tool. The form is used to help an individual explore their employment goals so those goals can be used to inform the person-centered services plan.
HCS/TxHmL CFC PAS/HAB Assessment, Form 8510
The CFC training covers the purpose of Form 8510, how to complete it, and when to prepare or update the CFC PAS/HAB Assessment along with a competency test. This training is required annually for the CFC Personal Assistance Services/Habilitation assessment Form 8510 for the HCS/TxHmL service coordinators.
HHS Information Security/Cybersecurity Training for Contractors
This course provides state contractors with meeting the required cybersecurity training in Texas Government Code §2054.5192. Completion of this training is required for LIDDA staff each biennium in alignment with the LIDDA Performance Contract.
IDD Operations Portal
The IDD Operations Portal is an online-based application used by long-term care IDD providers and LIDDAs to submit and receive documents to and from Texas Health and Human Services IDD Program Eligibility and Support and IDD Waivers Utilization Review sections.
IDD Services Webinar Series on Home and Community-based (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Form Submissions to the Long Term Care (LTC) Online Portal
This four-part series instructs local intellectual and developmental disability authorities on how to submit HCS and TxHmL forms on the LTC Online Portal.
- Session 1 - LIDDA Training on Enrollments (held April 18, 2022)
- Session 2 - LIDDA Training Renewals and Revisions (held April 19, 2022)
- Session 3 - LIDDA Training on Transfers and Individual Updates (held April 20, 2022)
- Session 4 - LIDDA Training on Suspensions and Terminations (held April 21, 2022)
IDD Services Webinar Trainings on the New Community Services Interest List (CSIL) Application and Texas Medicaid and Health Partnership (TMHP) Pre-Enrollment Form
- How to Register for HHS Enterprise Portal Account and Request or Update CSIL Access
This training explains the HHS Enterprise Portal Account registration process for LIDDAs and how to request or update access to the CSIL application. - CSIL Data Entry Training for Interest List Staff
This training explains the CSIL application and includes searching for an existing interest list record, adding/updating an interest list record and questionnaire, entering biennial contact information, and accessing CSIL reports. - Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Pre-enrollment Form Training for LIDDAs
This training explains when to transfer a slot offer, interest list status designations, submission requirements for enrollments, entering and submitting a pre-enrollment form on the TMHP Long Term Care Online Portal, and definitions of the pre-enrollment form statuses.
Jail Match Report Training
The Jail Match Report webinar addresses the use of the new functionality, reports, and roles and responsibilities in assuring continuity of care for persons who have previously received services from a LMHA/LBHA, LIDDA, or state mental health facility when booked into county jails.
Level of Need Resources
The Level of Need (LON) Resources provides a list of tools and information when determining the LON for a person.
Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA) Coordination 101
This five-module training is designed to provide local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) designated staff information, tools, and resources needed to successfully be a service coordinator.
Medicaid 101
Medicaid 101 training gives introductory information, tools, and resources for Medicaid programs.
Mental Health Wellness for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This six module e-learning series educates direct service workers and others about the behavioral health needs of persons who have an intellectual or developmental disability and a co-occurring behavioral health condition.
Monitoring and Maintaining Medicaid Eligibility for HCS/TxHmL
This course covers initial and ongoing eligibility requirements for participation in HCS and TxHmL programs.
Permanency Planning Training
This course explores the history of permanency planning for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, guidelines for the role of the planner, exploring alternatives in engaging families and young adults, understanding of what permanency planning is, and understanding the significance and importance of proper planning. The comprehensive course is available in the HHS Learning Portal and will provide LIDDA staff who work with permanency plans the information, tools and resources needed to help children, youth and young adults achieve family life.
Person-Centered Training - Introduction to Person-Centered Planning-Online
This introductory course provides an overview of person-centered practices, services and planning.
As of 2/16/2017, services coordinators must also complete the course "Person-Centered Thinking-Classroom (HHS Learning Portal)".
Person-Centered Training - Person-Centered Thinking-Classroom
Person Centered Thinking is a fundamental training offered to provide participants with the basic knowledge on how to facilitate the use of person-centered thinking skills to discover what is important to and important for the person and finding the balance needed to best support them in achieving their desired outcomes.
As of 2/16/2017, services coordinators must also complete the course "Introduction to Person-Centered Planning-Online (HHS Learning Portal)".
Privacy Training Including HIPPA for Contractors
HIPAA is the acronym of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. These regulations establish standards for protecting individually identifiable health information and for guaranteeing the rights of persons to have more control over such information.
Quarterly Consumer Benefits Training
This training covers assisting a person or parent in identifying and accessing available funding sources, other than HHSC, to pay for services and determining their ability to pay.
For information, contact the Texas Council’s Individual Benefits Organization at 512-794-9268.
Waiver Enrollment Training
This course offers HCS)/TxHmL enrollment staff the resources needed to successfully complete the HCS or TxHmL enrollment process, which must be completed for all persons seeking enrollment into the HCS and TxHmL programs.
As required by LIDDA Performance Contract, all enrollment staff at a LIDDA must complete training for waiver program enrollments before performing enrollment activities and at least annually thereafter for as long as the staff performs enrollment activities for the LIDDA.