Local IDD Authority (LIDDA)

Local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs) serve as the point of entry for publicly funded intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) programs, whether the program is provided by a public or private entity. They:

  • provide or contract to provide an array of services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
  • are responsible for enrolling eligible individuals into the following Medicaid programs:
  • are responsible for Permanency Planning for individuals under 22 years of age who live in an ICF/IID, state supported living center or a residential setting of the HCS Program.

Provider Communications

Performance Contract

The LIDDA Performance Contract can be found on Contracts Awarded by HHS.

Email HHS Open Records to request unredacted copies.


Become a Certified Authorized Provider to Conduct a DID

LIDDAs can request that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission certify an employee other than a licensed psychologist to conduct a determination of intellectual disability (DID). This can be especially helpful to LIDDAs that are facing an increase in the number of DIDs to be completed with the launch of Community First Choice.