Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF/IID)

What is an ICF/IID?

The Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions program provides residential and habilitation services to people with intellectual disabilities or a related condition.

Provider Communications

ANE Transition



ICF Medicaid Provider Training

Contact Program Staff

Contract Administration and Provider Monitoring: 512-438-3390, email CAPM NF ICF Contracting

Contracting Policy, Living Options, Trust Funds, Therapeutic Leaves or QAF: email HHSC ICFIID Questions

Enforcement: 512-438-2626

Forms Processing and Service Authorizations: Provider Claims Services, 512-438-2200, Option 1

Licensing and Certification: 512-438-2630

Quality Assurance Fee (QAF): 512-424-6552

Regional Contact Information: Regulatory Services regional contacts

Regulatory Services Policy: 512-438-3161, email HHSC LTCR Policy

Surrogate Decision-making Program (SDMP): Email Randy Rowley, SDMP Manager or call (512) 438-4306 with questions pertaining to Surrogate Consent Committees (SCC), or if you would like to volunteer to serve on a SCC.

Directory and Regulation Tags

Forms and Handbooks



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Forms


There is no additional funding for ICF/IIDs and there has not been for several years. If funding should become available, notice will be posted in the Texas Register.

Regulatory Comment Card Survey

Please take a short survey about the recent visit to your facility by Texas Health and Human Services Regulatory Services.

Statutes and Rules



Other Rules and Statutes


ICF Webinars

IDD and PI Quarterly Webinars