Adult Foster Care (AFC)

What is Adult Foster Care?

Adult Foster Care (AFC) provides a 24-hour living arrangement with supervision in an adult foster home for people who are unable to continue living independently in their own homes because of physical, mental or emotional limitations. AFC providers and residents must live in the same household and share a common living area. With the exception of family members, no more than three adults may live in the foster home unless it is licensed by the state. The client pays the provider for room and board.

Provider Communications

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How to Become a Provider

To be eligible to provide services and receive reimbursement for these services, a provider agency must meet certain eligibility criteria. Rules regarding program and contracting requirements can be found in Title 40 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) as follows:

A person wishing to serve 4 people must obtain a Texas Health and Human Services assisted living license Type C. Aperson wishing to serve more than 4 people must obtain an HHSC assisted living license type A. Rules regarding licensing requirements can be found in Title 26TAC as follows:

For more information about HHSC provider enrollment process and requirements, please click here.

A person or provider agency must complete an application to provide services in the community services programs. Once you have met the minimum eligibility criteria, you may review the required application documents on:

The required application documents may be downloaded for completion. Please contact your local Contact Information for Eligibility Operations Provider Contract Management (PDF) to obtain the mailing address to submit completed documents.

If you prefer the required application documents be mailed to you, please contact your local Contact Information for Eligibility Operations Provider Contract Management (PDF) to request an application packet and obtain the mailing address to submit completed documents.

Statutes and Rules



Other Rules and Statutes

This program is funded fully or in part by the federal government. The information provided on this webpage does not necessarily represent the official views or endorsement of the U.S. government.