Periodicity Schedule
The Texas Health Steps Medical Checkup Periodicity Schedule for infants, children, and adolescents (birth through 20 years of age) has been revised to reflect policy changes effective June 1, 2021.
You may also place an order for the laminated Periodicity Schedule from the Texas Health Steps Resource Catalog.
Anticipatory Guidance: A Guide for Providers
This guide was designed specifically for THSteps providers (PDF). It offers age-appropriate anticipatory guidance topics for children, birth through 20 years of age, and mirrors anticipatory guidance topics included on the THSteps Child Health Clinical Record Forms.
The THSteps on-line Anticipatory Guidance Provider Guide tool mirrors the anticipatory guidance topics covered in the PDF version but also allows quick and easy access to age-specific anticipatory guidance topics. Choose from either the infancy, childhood and adolescence age groups and then select the specific age-related checkup for specific age-appropriate anticipatory guidance topics.
Adolescent Health: A Guide for Providers
The Adolescent Health Guide (PDF) is designed for health care providers and other professionals who provide services, information, and support to young people. It offers guidelines on health and health-related legal issues pertinent to the adolescent years.
Checkup Tools
Checkup tools were designed by THSteps to assist medical providers in incorporating other members of the team in completing THSteps Checkups. Other team members include front office staff and clinical staff.
- THSteps Checkup Whole Office Approach (Excel)
- THSteps Checkup Components: A Whole Office Team Approach (PDF)
- THSteps Checkup Components: Oral Evaluation and Fluoride Varnish (PDF)
- THSteps forms
Checkup Documentation Improvement
All THSteps medical and dental checkups and other services require documentation within the client's medical record to support the service provided. Medical and dental services, including THSteps checkups, are subject to review afterwards and recoupment if documentation within the client's medical record doesn't support the service submitted for payment. State–contracted medical record reviews have shown that client medical records for THSteps services often have incomplete or missing documentation, making them subject to recoupment.
The following resources will assist you in completing THSteps checkup documentation:
- The THSteps Documentation Improvement Provider Letter (PDF) describes the importance of documenting each component and sub-component of a THSteps checkup.
- THSteps Clinical Record Review Tool with Instructions (Excel) assists in self-audits in preparation for health plan quality reviews. This electronic format will self-populate totals with numerical values.
- THSteps Clinical Record Review Tool (PDF) provides a printable paper copy of the clinical record review tool. Instructions for paper copy use are included in the Excel workbook.
Contact your THSteps regional provider relations representative (PDF) for help and support with documenting THSteps checkups.
Helpful Information
- Asthma-Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management
- Developmental Calendar - "A Parent's Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy Children"
- HIPAA and Privacy Laws
- Quick course on nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT) services
- Provider Enrollment
- Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Immunization Schedule
- CDC Information on Vaccine Shortages
- Lab Supply Order Information
- THSteps Medical Checkup Laboratory Requirements (PDF)
- DSHS Laboratory Checklist for THSteps Medical Providers (PDF)
- THSteps Risk-Based Tests Guidelines (PDF)
- DSHS Laboratory Services
- DSHS Remote Data Systems allows providers to access results and in some cases, enter and submit patient data electronically. Results are available for:
- Newborn Screening (NBS) tests
- Clinical Chemistry tests: blood lead, total hemoglobin, hemoglobin electrophoresis, glucose, lipid panel/cholesterol, and RPR
- Public health microbiology: TB, HIV/STD, serology, virology, parasitology, bacteriology, rabies, etc.
As of Jan. 1, 2023, DSHS has implemented a blood lead reference value (BLRV) of 3.5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL), as recommended by the CDC. DSHS uses a BLRV of 3.5 µg/dL to identify children with blood lead levels that are higher than most children's levels. The Reference for Blood Lead Retesting and Medical Case Management, Pb-109 form provides guidance for blood lead levels ≥3.5 µg/dL and has been updated to reflect CDC guidance.
Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 25 (Part 1), Chapter 37, Subchapter Q Rule §37.334
Information related to blood lead screening and reporting for clients who are ages 15 and older are available on the DSHS Blood Lead Surveillance Group's website.
Reporting Blood Lead Results Electronically
Healthcare providers have the option to submit blood lead reports electronically using a secure FTP server. Visit Texas Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program for electronic reporting.