The Texas Abstinence Education Program is governed by Title V of the Social Security Act, Section 510 (42 U.S.C. Section 710). The program funds organizations to provide education to youth ages 10–19 that supports the behavior of avoiding sexual activity before marriage.
The program teaches personal responsibility, self-regulation, goal setting, healthy decision-making, a focus on the future and the prevention of youth risk behaviors such as drug and alcohol use. It highlights a positive youth development approach to reduce teen pregnancy rates and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Direct service contractors offer education classes and 8 hours of service-learning opportunities to students in fifth through 12th grade. All program curricula are based on a sexual risk-avoidance method that empowers youth to voluntarily avoid sexual activity before marriage.
Contact the program at HHS Education Services.
Report abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Texas Abstinence Education Resources
Forms A–D report on the number of clients provided educational services in the program, activities and number of hours each client completes of the chosen curriculum. The grantee submits the forms twice a year on April 3 and Sept. 30.
- Form A, Unduplicated Count of Clients Served is for tracking and reporting the unduplicated number of clients served for each program year.
- Form B, Hours of Service Received by Clients tracks and reports the total number of class hours provided to clients ages 10–19.
- Form C, Program Completion Data tracks and reports the total number of clients who complete the various programs offered.
- Form D, Counties Served tracks and reports where the grantee has provided services.
The Memorandum of Understanding must be signed by school districts wishing to participate in the program. Each district must sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Texas Health and Human Services before starting the program to use a state-approved sexual risk-avoidance curriculum in their schools.
The Program Observation Form is a quality assurance tool that tracks the quality of how the program is delivered by facilitators. This form should be completed for each facilitator every year by their supervisor.
Purchase vouchers are used to send payment for services provided. Purchase vouchers must be submitted by the last business day of the month in which expenses were incurred or services were provided. To check the status of payment, visit Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
A Success Story Narrative is submitted every year to highlight an achievement in a program or activity performed within the year. Submit the narrative by Sept. 30.
The Curriculum Log tracks youth presented with the chosen sexual risk-avoidance curriculum.
Participant Tracking Logs (PDF) record any clients served and include sign-in sheets for tracking both youth and parents in the program.
The Contingency Plan details operations in case of staff vacancies that last more than 10 calendar days. This ensures continuity of the program.
The Curriculum Implementation Plan (PDF) is used to describe how services are delivered to the eligible population, including details on anticipated client population and the staff responsible for implementing sexual risk-avoidance education programming, timelines and the evaluation plan. Submit the plan before the first day of each series of classes for each confirmed site.
The Service Learning Implementation Plan (PDF) is submitted with the application and describes how the 8 hours of service-learning opportunities will be provided to clients served in the next year. Submit the plan as projects are completed.
The grantee must submit plans for all Service Learning Projects when they are completed or no more than five business days after the project has been completed.
Survey Tools
Evaluation Survey Tools track grantee performance when providing program services to youth. The grantee must request Evaluation Survey Tools from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and copy HHS Education Services.
The Pre and Post Survey Tool tracks youth participation in the program. Grantees awarded funding for sexual risk-avoidance education must survey 75 percent of the youth provided with the curriculum. A pre- and post-test survey is submitted to the UT Health Science Center at Houston twice a year on April 3 and Sept. 30.