Once your jail has chosen to participate, follow these steps for each person who has been confined for at least 30 days.
Steps to Report County Jail Confinement and Release
Step 1: Check the HHS Eligibility System for the Confined Person
Once a person has been confined in the county jail for at least 30 days, the county sheriff or jail staff log in to the HHS eligibility system, called TIERS, with their unique login. Detailed instructions about how to find a confined person are provided in a web-based training.
If the confined person doesn't receive health care benefits, no more action is required.
Note: County jail staff shouldn't share their login information with other staff.
Step 2: Complete Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release
If the confined person receives health care benefits, complete and submit the Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release Form.
Step 3: Submit Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release
Within 48 hours of the confined person's release, complete and submit the Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release Form.
The Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release Forms are uploaded to GlobalScape.
- Log into GlobalScape
- Enter your county’s assigned Username and Password, then click on Log in. Your GlobalScape account credentials will take you to your assigned folder.
- While logged into GlobalScape, upload the Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release form to your county's folder.
When a confined person is released, give them the Medicaid Information flyer (PDF in English) or Medicaid Information flyer (PDF in Spanish) that provides information about applying for or re-establishing benefits after being released from jail.
HHSC determines health care eligibility for:
- Pregnant women.
- Children 18 and younger.
- Former foster care people.
- Low income parents and caretakers.
- Certain populations of people who are 65 and older or who have a disability.
HHSC can only take action to suspend, terminate or reinstate health care benefits for these populations.
County sheriffs or participating jails must report to HHSC a confined person who was receiving health care benefits at the time of confinement as soon as possible after they have been confined for 30 days or more. Note: Only report the confinement of people receiving one of the types of assistance listed on the HHS County Jail Reporting Job Aid (PDF).
HHSC then suspends or terminates the confined person's health care coverage effective the date after the confinement is reported.
If the confinement is reported, counties must report the person's release within 48 hours of their release. HHSC then reinstates the person's health care coverage within two business days of receipt of the notification from the county if the person's original certification period has not ended. People eligible for reinstatement have health care coverage beginning the date they are released from jail.
People who are not eligible for reinstatement must reapply for health care coverage. The person can submit an application by:
- Visiting Your Texas Benefits.
- Calling 2-1-1 or 1-877-541-7905. Pick a language and then press 2. They can apply over the phone or ask HHSC to mail them a paper application.
- Going to an HHSC office near them. To find an office, call 2-1-1 or 1-877-541-7905. Pick a language and then press 1.
System Support
Login details for TIERS will be emailed to county jail staff who have successfully completed training and completed the required forms:
- Form 4743A, TIERS Security Role Assignment Request
- HHS Acceptable Use Agreement
For issues accessing TIERS, contact the HHSC Technical Help Desk at 800-214-4175, and select Option 2. The Help Desk is available for assistance Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CST).
If you need assistance with GlobalScape, including password resets, please call the HHSC IT Customer Service Help Desk at 855-435-7181. Ask the Help Desk agent to assign the ticket number to the Enterprise Secure FTP Support queue.