The Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness program funds community-based outreach, mental health and substance use referral/treatment, case management and other supportive services as well as providing a limited set of housing services for adults who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.
Learn more about PATH and other housing programs on the Adult Mental Health Housing page.
PATH is not tied to local mental health authorities' performance contracts. It is funded by a federal grant awarded to Texas every year. HHSC awards PATH contractors annually and re-procures every five years.
Program Providers
- Amarillo: Texas Panhandle Centers
- Austin: Integral Care (formerly Austin Travis County MHMR Center)
- Beaumont: Spindletop Center
- Conroe: Tri-County Behavioral Healthcare
- Corpus Christi: Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County
- Dallas: Metrocare Services
- El Paso: Aliviane Inc.
- Fort Worth: My Health My Resources of Tarrant County
- Galveston: Gulf Coast Center
- Harlingen: Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
- Houston: The Harris Center
- Houston: SEARCH
- Laredo: Border Region Behavioral Health Center (formerly Border Region MHMR)
- Lubbock: StarCare Specialty Health System (formerly Lubbock Regional MHMR Center)
- San Antonio: The Center for Health Care Services
- Waco: Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network (formerly Heart of Texas Region MHMR Center)
All 16 providers participate in a conference call every quarter to address successes and challenges in operating the PATH program. They also identify technical assistance needs during the call.
Federal Statute and Law
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's PATH program is a formula grant authorized by the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1990 (PDF).
The program is authorized under Sec. 521 (290cc-21) of the Public Health Service Act. Funds are distributed to states and territories on a formula basis by the federal Center for Mental Health Services.
Public Health Service Act, Part C, Sec. 522(b) (10) including the following:
- Minor renovations, expansion and repair of housing
- Planning of housing
- Technical assistance in applying for housing support
- Improving the coordination of housing services
- Security deposits
- Costs related to matching eligible people who are homeless with suitable housing
- One-time rental payments to prevent eviction
PATH providers comply with federal housing laws. Housing providers in the supportive housing portion of the program must comply with local landlord tenant laws within their jurisdiction and the federal housing laws below:
- Fair Housing Act
- Fair Housing Act Non-Discrimination and Accessibility Requirements for People with Disabilities (PDF)
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975
How to Become a Provider
PATH sites are chosen based on poverty and density indices. Further consideration is given to organizations that have provided services through PATH before.
Funds are awarded based on historical allocations and geographic areas with the greatest need, and through an application process.
The sites are awarded by competitive procurement once every five years. The next procurement will be in fiscal year 2024.
- SAMHSA: Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
- Housing and Health Services Coordination Council
- Texas PATH Program Manual
- Texas HMIS Manual
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