Competency Restoration

Outpatient competency restoration and jail-based competency restoration services are designed for people with a mental health disorder or co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders who are found incompetent to stand trial and are court-ordered to participate in competency restoration treatment. Outpatient competency restoration and jail-based competency restoration programs are alternatives to inpatient competency restoration services. In general, outpatient competency restoration and jail-based competency restoration programs are designed to:

  • Reduce the number of people found to be incompetent to stand trial with mental illness or co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders on the state forensic waitlist for inpatient competency restoration services.
  • Increase prompt access to clinically appropriate competency restoration services for people found incompetent to stand trial who do not require a restrictive hospital setting.
  • Reduce the number of bed days in state hospitals used by people found incompetent to stand trial from a local mental health authority or local behavioral health authority’s service area.

Outpatient Competency Restoration

Outpatient competency restoration programs provide competency restoration services in a community or residential setting. Services include mental health and substance use treatment services, as well as legal education for people found incompetent to stand trial.




Jail-based Competency Restoration

Jail-based competency restoration programs provide competency restoration services in a designated space in a jail separate from general population. Services include mental health and substance use treatment services, as well as legal education for people found incompetent to stand trial.



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