HHSC requires local mental health authorities (LMHAs) and local behavioral health authorities (LBHAs) to develop a two-year local provider network and development plan (LPND) to establish and maintain a network of qualified providers. Their LPND must reflect local needs and priorities and maximize individual choice and individual access to services from qualified providers.
Opportunities to collaborate or contract with an LMHA or LBHA are available for viewing on each LMHA’s or LBHA’s website. Interested providers can go to Find Your Local Mental Health or Behavioral Health Authority to locate the LMHA’s or LBHA’s website and use the search function to find the LPND.
Each LMHA’s or LBHA’s website will describe how and when a provider can submit a description of their qualifications, including their experience as it relates to the same or similar services and populations described in the Texas Resilience and Recovery Utilization Management Guidelines & Manual. Providers who are interested in contracting with LMHAs and LBHAs may use HHSC’s optional Provider Inquiry Form.
Contact Us
For more information, email LPND.