ECI requires a three-part orientation for all staff:
- Training modules:
- A 12 hour training module, Making It Work for Texas Children and Families, including observations and a demonstration of services, or
- A 4.5 hour training module, Making It Work for Therapists (MIWT), for all LPHAs
- Staff Self-Assessment
- Creation and implementation of an Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) for continued professional development
Early Intervention Specialists have additional requirements:
- Review and sign the EIS Code of Ethics (PDF).
- If needed to fulfill minimum staff qualifications in 26 TAC §350.313, the completion of required 40 clock hours in early childhood development or early childhood special education and/or 40 clock hours related to Early Childhood Intervention.
Step 1: Making It Work for Texas Children and Families / Making It Work for Therapists (MIWT)
Please note that you will need to register for an account on the HHS Learning Portal if you have not already done so. You will be asked to enter your login credentials when you access the modules. These modules are located on the Early Intervention Specialists Training page.
Making It Work (MIW) or Making It Work for Therapists (MIWT) are the HHSC ECI orientation training modules for all new staff. The modules provide foundational information and activities on providing early intervention services. All sections of these modules must be completed prior to service provision to ensure qualified staff are delivering ECI services.
Features of the modules:
- Dynamic and interactive training experiences, with opportunities to review/recall, practice, and receive feedback
- Addresses performance-based learning objectives that integrate knowledge and on-the-job skills
Input from program personnel incorporated throughout the development and review process
Field-tested time estimates by section:
Making It Work:
- Section 1: Introduction = 1.0 hour
- Section 2: Referral and Initial Contact = 1.5 hours
- Section 3: Evaluation and Assessment = 2.0 hours
- Section 4: Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) = 2.0 hours
- Section 5: Service Delivery = 2.0 hours
- Section 6: Case Management = 1.5 hours
- Section 7: Transition = 2.0 hours
Making It Work for Therapists:
All sections of the module = approximately 4.5 hours
Support for Supervisors
MIW Supervisor Guidelines (PDF) can be used to assist staff throughout the orientation process. The guidelines provide an overview of supervision standards and screenshots of the module accompanied by detailed explanations of activities staff complete in the module. Supervisor Guidelines to the Staff Self-Assessment are included.
MIWT Supervisor Guidelines are also available.
Step 2: Staff Self-Assessment
After completion of the Making It Work module, the next step of orientation is completion of the Staff Self-Assessment (PDF). All newly hired staff must complete the Staff Self-Assessment (PDF). Supervisors develop an Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) to include supplementary activities tailored to each staff person based on the results of their Staff Self-Assessment.
EIS Staff Self-Assessment
Step 3: The Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP)
The following progress trackers will assist staff with the implementation of their IPDP.
For Early Intervention Specialists (EISs)
The EIS IPDP Progress Tracker (PDF) identifies training requirements for EISs. It includes learning activities, supplementary activities, observations and demonstrations directly related to the job responsibilities of an EIS.
For Service Coordinators (SCs)
The Service Coordinator IPDP Progress Tracker (PDF) identifies specific training requirements for SCs. It includes learning activities, supplementary activities, observations and demonstrations directly related to the job responsibility of an SC.
For Licensed Practitioners of the Healing Arts (LPHAs) and other providers
The LPHA and Other Provider IPDP Progress Tracker (PDF) identifies specific training requirements for LPHA and all other staff who do not hold the EIS or SC credentials. It includes supplementary activities as determined by the supervisor.