Please note that you will need to register for an account on the HHS Learning Portal if you have not already done so. You will be asked to enter your login credentials when you access the modules. These modules are located on the Early Intervention Specialists Training page.
The New Directors’ Orientation module was designed to assist new and experienced ECI program management understand the intricacies of administering a successful and efficient Part C program in Texas. This module can be used as an orientation, reference guide and a refresher resource for ECI personnel.
The material in this module is split into several topic sections, which includes introductory information on:
- Fiscal matters and funding requirements
- Foundation and guiding principles for Part C early intervention services
- Legislation and rules governing the provision of Part C services
- Data reporting to the state office
- Steps in service provision
- Personnel standards and development for your staff
- Communications from the State Office
- Performance monitoring of your program
- Quality assurance of your program
- Public outreach
- State Systemic Improvement Plan
- Families, procedural safeguards and family cost share
- Peer mentoring between experience directors
The module contains a bookshelf where resources can be quickly accessed. As completed, more sections will be added to this module, so please visit this website regularly for new information.
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If experiencing technical difficulties, contact the ECI training team.