Training Opportunity for Regional Offsite Review Process for Critical Incidents Reported into CIMS for HCS and TxHmL

Long-Term Care Regulation staff and program providers are invited to attend this important virtual learning opportunity for Home and Community Based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living Providers (TxHmL).

The purpose of this webinar is to inform HCS and TxHmL providers of the Long-Term Care Regulation Regional Offsite Review Process for Critical Incidents reported into the Critical Incident Management System.

Regional Offsite Review Process for Critical Incidents Reported into the Critical Incident Management System for HCS/TxHmL
Wednesday, Jan. 15
2–3 p.m.
Register here for webinar.

Click on the following links for more training opportunities:

HCS and TxHmL Training

Individualized Skills and Socialization