This is a reminder that the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Reason Code Numbers and Descriptions have been revised, effective Oct. 1, 2023.
The revised Reason Codes may be available before Oct. 1 for approved EVV proprietary systems.
The purpose of the revisions is to reduce and simplify the reason codes.
Reason Codes are used to indicate why the program provider, financial management services agency (FMSA) or Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employer is completing visit maintenance in the EVV system (includes Visit Maintenance Unlock Requests).
The following are published on the HHSC EVV web page:
- Reason Codes effective Oct. 1, 2023, and after (PDF).
- Reason Codes Crosswalk (PDF) to compare the different versions of reason codes.
- Revised Reason Codes policy (PDF).
For questions about Reason Codes, including policy questions, please email HHSC EVV Operations.