Deadline for Informal Comments on HHS Draft Rules Due Sept. 20

Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is accepting comments from stakeholders on the following draft rules. The comment period ends Sept. 20, 2023.

  • Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1,
    • Chapter 554, amend Sections 554.101, 554.405, 554.601, 554.1920.
    • Chapter 555, amend Sections 555.2, 555.3, 555.11 – 555.18, 555.31 – 555.42, 555.51 – 555.57.
    • Chapter 556, amend Sections 556.2 – 556.9; new Sections 556.10 – 556.14; repeal Sections 556.10 – 556.13, 556.100.
    • Chapter 557, amend Sections 557.101, 557.103, 557.105, 557.107, 557.109, 557.111, 557.113, 557.115, 557.117, 557.119, 557.121, 557.123, 557.125, 557.127 – 557.129.
    • Comments concerning Nursing Facility, Nursing Facility Administrator, and Nurse and Medication Aides can be emailed to HHSC Long–term Care Regulation Rules.

Please note that these draft rules do not include proposed changes seen in earlier draft rules regarding:

  • Chapter 555 Nursing Facility Administrators (NFA) — previously proposed revisions reduce the number of academic credit hours needed for candidates with baccalaureate degrees in other areas; removes the requirement that the Administrator In Training (AIT) internship be completed at a facility with 60+ beds; and adds an option to qualify for Texas NFA licensure for persons with a bachelor’s degree and coursework in the current National Association of Long-term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) domains, and one year of experience as an assistant administrator of record or administrator of record in another state who pass the NAB and state exams and complete a 500–hour internship.
  • Chapter 556 Nurse Aides — previously proposed revision to require Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Programs (NATCEPs) to accept the 60 hours of classroom training provided by HHSC in place of the 60 hours taught by the NATCEPs. Also, the revision of 26 TAC §556.5 to align with 42 CFR §483.152(a) regarding NATCEP approval requirements.

Email questions to HHS Rules Coordination Office. Read the Draft Rules.