Correction to Qualifications to Purchase an EVV Alternative Device

HHSC sent a GovDelivery notice the morning of Aug. 29 with the qualifications to purchase Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Alternative Devices. This notice is to correct what was previously posted.

The correction is to state that qualified members must meet all the conditions listed below based on the option they are using.

Qualifications to Purchase an EVV Alternative Device

An update to the new EVV Alternative Device Policy was published on Aug. 18.

HHSC is allowing program providers and financial management services agencies (FMSAs) who will use the new State EVV vendor, HHAeXchange, to purchase additional alternative devices for qualifying members.

A qualified member using the agency option, or the service responsibility option (SRO), is a person who meets the following conditions:

  • Does not have a landline or does not allow the service provider to use their landline.
  • Their service provider does not have a smartphone or tablet.

A qualified member using the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) option is a person who meets the following conditions:

  • Does not have a landline or does not allow the service provider to use their landline.
  • Their service provider does not have a smartphone or tablet.
  • Does not allow the CDS employee to use their smartphone or tablet.

The cost of each alternative device is $12 (includes shipping) plus applicable sales tax.

Email questions to HHSC EVV Operations.