Register for EVV Policy Training for CDS Employers

This is a reminder that HHSC will host two Electronic Visit Verification policy training webinars for Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers required to use EVV. Attending the webinar will complete the EVV policy training requirement.

Webinar Registration

CDS employers using EVV for personal care services (PDF) or planning to implement EVV due to the Cures Act Home Health Care Services (PDF) can register for either of the following webinar trainings, regardless of the option selected on Form 1722 or current EVV requirements:

If you are unable to attend the webinar, it will be recorded and posted to the HHS Learning Portal about 10 business days after the session. You may receive credit for annual EVV policy training by listening to or watching the recording and completing all three steps in the course.

Email questions to HHSC EVV Operations.