Additional March 2023 Joint Provider Training Opportunities

Long-term Care Regulation staff and program providers are invited to attend the following trainings hosted in March. If you register for any classes and cannot attend, please be sure to cancel your registration.

Transition to OASIS-E Webinar Part 1 
Tuesday, March 7 
2–4 p.m. 
Register for the webinar here.

Transition to OASIS-E Webinar Part 2 
Thursday, March 9 
2–4 p.m. 
Register for the webinar here.

HCS/TxHmL Provider Responsibilities in Death Reviews and Provider Investigation Reports 
Wednesday, March 22 
12:30–1:30 p.m. 
Register for the webinar here.

Infection Control in Long-Term Care 
Tuesday, March 28 
10 a.m.–noon 
Register for the webinar here.

Visit the following websites for more training opportunities:

Joint Training

HCSSA Training

OASIS Training

HCS & TxHmL Training

Email Joint Training for questions.