HHSC Highlights Older Americans Month

HHSC is observing Older Americans Month in May by promoting resources available to Texans and holding a three-part, interactive webinar series on how to age and live well.

This year’s theme for Older Americans Month, “Powered by Connection,” recognizes the profound effect meaningful relationships and social connections have on health and well-being. These connections play an important role in mental, physical and emotional health among older adults.

Texas has one of the fastest-growing populations of older adults in the U.S. According to the Administration for Community Living’s 2020 Profile of Older Americans (PDF), Texas has the third-largest population of adults ages 65 and older, following California and Florida. In 2019, 3.7 million adults ages 65 and older lived in Texas, representing almost 13% of the state population.

HHSC Age Well Live Well provides information to older adults and their caregivers and communities to help them stay healthy and connected. This statewide campaign promotes easy pathways to resources and emphasizes how to make healthy changes using three core message areas: be healthy, be connected, and be informed.

Age Well Live Well is offering a three-part, interactive webinar series to teach attendees different ways to age and live well.

  • Be Healthy
    • Noon to 1 p.m., May 15.
    • Learn more about healthy aging resources promoting physical activity, nutrition, stress reduction, chronic disease prevention, mental health and more. Attendees will also learn about Texercise, the health and wellness initiative that encourages regular physical activity and healthy nutrition for adults 45 and older.
  • Be Connected
    • Noon to 1 p.m., June 25.
    • Learn about “Age Well Live Well: Be Connected” resources and two related statewide efforts: the Know Your Neighbor Campaign and the intergenerational Ages United series.
  • Be Informed
    • Noon to 1 p.m., July 23.
    • Hear a discussion on how resources can help in decision-making, future planning and stress reduction for caregivers. Two statewide HHSC campaigns — Texas Talks and Strengthen the Care You Give — will also be discussed.

HHSC provides additional resources for older adults in Texas:

  • Aging Texas Well is a strategic planning effort that reviews policies impacting older Texans, assesses local and state readiness to meet the needs of older adults and helps communities build service capacity.
  • Texercise provides free physical activity and nutrition resources to educate, motivate and engage adults 45 and older.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) assists people with buying the food they need for good health.
  • Area agencies on aging (AAA) provide older adults, their families and caregivers with nutrition services, including home and congregate meals and evidence-based fitness programs.
  • Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are part of the No Wrong Door System, which helps streamline access to long-term services and supports for the whole family.