Protected Elements
Design elements, webpages, graphics and video images procured and created by the HHSC Office of Communications can only be used for products created by the HHSC Office of Communications. HHS staff and outside groups cannot use, repurpose or appropriate images and graphics produced by the HHSC Office of Communications.
Design Elements for the HHS Brand
The design elements include patterns, textures, shapes and lines chosen to reinforce the Champion archetype.
Patterns incorporate solid, angular and bold details that signify the confidence and stability found in the Champion brand. Other elements include strong geometric shapes such as stars, frames and the shape of Texas.
Each element used should give personality to the design and should not have a personality of its own. The colors of each pattern and shape can be adjusted to a shade found within the HHS color palette to broaden their utility.
Due to licensing restrictions, HHSC Office of Communications cannot provide vector files. Designers can find and use similar vector patterns and textures that convey the Champion brand.
Examples of Patterns and Textures


Examples of Shapes


Design Elements – Examples