Tint and Shade Color Palette

A range of tints and shades of the essential color palette are available to use when you need more flexibility. The tints and shades are also used for accessibility purposes.

Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Primary Blue Pantone 300 C 100, 62, 7, 0 0, 92, 185 005cb9
Logo Blue Pantone 287 C 100, 87, 21, 12 0, 48, 135 003087
White N/A 0, 0, 0, 0 255, 255, 255 ffffff
Secondary: Frequently used with the primary palette colors, but in lesser amounts.
Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Secondary Blue 1 Pantone 290 C 25, 1, 0, 0 185, 217, 235 b9d9eb
Secondary Blue 2 Pantone 284 C 54, 22, 0, 0 109, 171, 228 6dabe4
Primary Blue Pantone 300 C 100, 62, 7, 0 0, 92, 185 005cb9
Secondary Blue 3 Pantone 304 C 35, 0, 2, 0 154, 219, 232 9adbe8
Secondary Blue 4 Pantone 306 C 80, 4, 5, 0 0, 179, 227 00b3e3
Secondary Blue 5 Pantone 4151 C 100, 52, 0, 0 0, 103, 172 0067ac
Secondary Yellow 1 Pantone 1205 C 0, 4, 48, 0 248, 224, 142 f8e08e
Secondary Yellow 2 Pantone 7548 C 0, 24, 100, 0 255, 198, 0 ffc800
Logo Red Pantone 7621 C 20, 100, 95, 12 171, 35, 40 ab2328
Tertiary: Sometimes used with the primary palette colors, but in lesser amounts.
Color Pantone CMYK RGB Hex
Tertiary Beige Pantone 7402 C 3, 8, 43, 0 236, 216, 152 ecd898
Logo Gold Pantone 7551 C 15, 40, 96, 22 180, 126, 0 b47e00
Tertiary Brown Pantone 4027 C 5, 43, 94, 44 142 99 32 8e6320
Tertiary Light Gray Pantone 7541 C 10, 3, 0, 0 217, 225, 226 d9e1e2
Tertiary Gray Pantone 7545 C 74, 50, 31, 36 66, 85, 99 425563
Tertiary Black Pantone 7547 C 100, 58, 21, 92 19, 30, 41 131e29
Tertiary Light Teal Pantone 318 C 39, 0, 9, 0 136, 219, 223 88dbdf
Tertiary Teal Pantone 3272 C 100, 0, 51, 0 0, 164, 153 00a499
Tertiary Dark Teal Pantone 7719 C 96, 4, 46, 38 0, 109, 104 006d68
Tertiary Light Green Pantone 358 C 32, 0, 51, 0 173, 220, 145 addc91
Tertiary Green Pantone 360 C 59, 0, 90, 0 108, 194, 74 6cc24a
Tertiary Dark Green Pantone 2273 C 74, 0, 100, 41 37, 114, 38 257226
Tertiary Red Pantone 1795 C 0, 96, 82, 1 210, 39, 48 d22730
Tertiary Maroon Pantone 7421 C 7, 100, 35, 64 101, 28, 50 651c32