Note: This page contains references to some links that are only accessible by HHS staff. For more information, email the HHSC Office of Communications.
Accessibility plays a vital role when choosing colors. All possible color combinations within the color palette have been tested for accessibility. The color combinations indicated here should be accessible on most computers and printed materials. However, color contrast will vary depending on the printer and color profiles. Below are guidelines for the use of text on colors from the palette to ensure that they are easy to read.* Although these combinations are accessible, not all are suitable for the HHS brand.
* Indicates a color combination that is considered accessible only with large text (minimum 14 pt. bold or 18 pt. regular). Normal text is not accessible.
Refer to the colors in the brand palette on the Color page.
Do not attempt to recreate the color palette in Microsoft Office. HHS Accessibility and HHSC Office of Communications have chosen colors for Microsoft Office to approximate the brand colors. To ensure appropriate application of the colors, only use the color palette provided in HHS templates. HHS staff can access templates on the HHS Connection.
Approved Text Colors for a White Background
Background Color | Background Hex | Text Color | Text Hex |
White | ffffff | Black | 000000 |
White | ffffff | Logo Blue | 003087 |
White | ffffff | Primary Blue | 005cb9 |
White | ffffff | Logo Red | ab2328 |
White | ffffff | Tertiary Red | d22730* |
White | ffffff | Tertiary Maroon | 651c32 |
White | ffffff | Tertiary Teal | 00a499* |
White | ffffff | Logo Gold | b47e00* |
White | ffffff | Tertiary Gray | 425563 |
Approved Text Colors for Blue Backgrounds
Background Color | Background Hex | Text Color | Text Hex |
Logo Blue | 003087 | White | ffffff |
Logo Blue | 003087 | Secondary Yellow | ffc800 |
Primary Blue | 005cb9 | White | ffffff |
Primary Blue | 005cb9 | Secondary Yellow | ffc800* |
Secondary Blue 1 | 6dabe4 | Black | 000000 |
Secondary Blue 2 | 00b3e3 | Black | 000000 |
Approved Text Colors for Red Backgrounds
Background Color | Background Hex | Text Color | Text Hex |
Tertiary Maroon | 651c32 | White | ffffff |
Tertiary Maroon | 651c32 | Secondary Yellow | ffc800 |
Logo Red | ab2328 | White | ffffff |
Logo Red | ab2328 | Secondary Yellow | ffc800* |
Tertiary Red | d22730 | White | ffffff* |
Approved Text Colors for Yellow or Gold Backgrounds
Background Color | Background Hex | Text Color | Text Hex |
Secondary Yellow | ffc800 | Black | 000000 |
Secondary Yellow | ffc800 | Logo Blue | 003087 |
Secondary Yellow | ffc800 | Tertiary Gray | 425563 |
Secondary Yellow | ffc800 | Tertiary Maroon | 651c32 |
Secondary Yellow | ffc800 | Logo Red | ab2328* |
Logo Gold | b47e00 | White | ffffff* |
Logo Gold | b47e00 | Black | 000000 |
Approved Text Colors for Green or Gray Backgrounds
Background Color | Background Hex | Text Color | Text Hex |
Tertiary Green | 6cc24a | Black | 000000 |
Tertiary Teal | 00a499 | White | ffffff* |
Tertiary Teal | 00a499 | Black | 000000 |
Tertiary Gray | 425563 | White | ffffff |
Tertiary Gray | 425563 | Secondary Yellow | ffc800 |
Tertiary Gray | 425563 | Tertiary Green | 6cc24a* |