Be a Champion for Health and Human Services in Texas.
We serve Texas.
Making a positive difference in the lives of the people we serve.
Consistent with the Texas Government Code Section 531.0055, Texas Health and Human Services and the “HHS” acronym represent the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) alone, and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and HHSC jointly.
This guide is to be used by HHS staff and vendors who contract with HHS.
Note: The HHS Brand Guide contains references to some links that are only accessible by HHS staff. Vendors should contact their agency contract manager or program area for guidance on branding. The agency contact will consult the HHSC or DSHS offices of communications.
To ensure HHS reports, PowerPoints and other materials adhere to branding and accessibility standards, HHS staff must use official templates located in the Communication Services section of the agency’s intranet (the HHS Connection).
The HHSC and DSHS offices of communications maintain awareness and oversight of HHS outreach efforts and review and approve the production and dissemination of all public-facing material, including grant-funded work.
Staff must contact the HHSC Office of Communications or the DSHS Office of Communications before contracting with vendors or partners to initiate the creation of graphic designs, websites, videos, social media, and other public-facing products.
The HHSC and DSHS offices of communications also review and approve the public-facing use of the HHS and DSHS logos.
For more information on branding and campaigns, email: