Revision 23-2; Effective Sept. 8, 2023
This section describes the requirements and recommendations for grantees pertaining to the delivery of direct clinical services to clients. In addition to the requirements and recommendations found within this section, grantees should develop protocols consistent with national evidence-based guidelines appropriate to the target population.
5100 General Consent
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Grantees must get the client’s written, informed, voluntary general consent to receive services before receiving any clinical services. A general consent explains the types of services provided and how client information may be shared with other entities for reimbursement or reporting purposes. If there is a period of three years or more when a client does not receive services, a new general consent must be signed before reinitiating delivery of services.
A client’s verbal consent for general treatment may be obtained by phone. This type of consent is enough for routine treatment provided through telemedicine. To record a client’s verbal consent, the staff person obtaining the consent must read the consent form to the applicant and document that the applicant affirms by giving their verbal consent for treatment. The documentation must include the date and time of the applicant’s consent and the signature of the staff person obtaining consent. The client must sign the consent at the time of their next visit to the clinic.
Consent information must be effectively communicated to every client in an understandable manner. This communication must allow the client to participate, make sound decisions about their own medical care, and address any disabilities that impair communication, in compliance with Limited English Proficiency regulations. Only the client may consent, except when the client is legally unable to consent, such as a minor or a person with a development disability, to which a parent, legal guardian or caregiver must consent on his or her behalf. Consent must never be obtained in a manner that could be perceived as coercive.
Grantees should consult a qualified attorney to determine the appropriateness of the consent forms used by their health care agency.
Consent for Dental Procedures
Written informed consent for dental procedures must be obtained to comply with 22 Texas Administrative Code Section 108.7 about minimum standards of care for dentists.
Texas Medical Disclosure Panel Consent
The Texas Medical Disclosure Panel (TMDP) was established by the Texas Legislature to:
- determine which medical care and surgical procedure risks and hazards must be disclosed by health care providers or physicians to their patients or people authorized to consent for their patients; and
- establish the general form and substance of such disclosure.
The grantee is responsible for assuring that informed consent is obtained from the client for procedures per TMDP. TMDP has developed List A which is informed consent requiring full and specific disclosure, for certain procedures. It is found in 25 TAC Section 601.2.
For all other procedures not listed on List A, the physician must disclose, through a procedure specific consent, all risks that a reasonable client would want to know. These risks include all that:
- are inherent to the procedure meaning one that exists in and is inseparable from the procedure itself; and
- are material that could influence a reasonable person in deciding whether to consent to the procedure.
Consent for Services Provided to Minors
Generally, a parent must consent to treatment for minors. A minor is defined as a person under 18 years old who has never been married and never been declared an adult by a court (emancipated). However, there are certain circumstances when a minor may consent for their own treatment. Requirements for parental consent for provision of family planning services to minors vary per the funding source subsidizing the services. The department and providers may provide pregnancy testing, HIV testing, STI testing, and treatment for an STI, without the consent of the minor’s parent, managing conservator, or guardian only as authorized by Chapter 32 of the Texas Family Code or by federal law or regulations.
Resources and References
- Adolescent Health - A Guide for Providers (PDF)
- Chapter 151 of the Texas Family Code: Rights and Duties in Parent-Child Relationship
- Chapter 32 of the Texas Family Code: Consent to Treatment or Child by Non-Parent or Child
- Pelvic Examinations – Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code
Consent for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Tests
For HIV testing, grantees must comply with Texas Health and Safety Code:
5200 Clinical Policy
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Providers may provide services by telemedicine, if appropriate.
Providers who give telemedicine services must follow all rules of the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 111 and must have written policies and procedures for doing so including:
- informed consent;
- confidentiality of the client’s clinical information;
- ensure appropriate, quality care;
- prevent abuse and fraud in the use of telemedicine services;
- ensure adequate supervision of health professionals who are not physicians and who provide telemedicine care;
- establish the maximum number of health professionals that a physician may supervise through telemedicine services
Client Health Records and Documentation of Encounters
Providers must ensure that a client health record is established for every person who receives clinical services and must meet the requirements of the TAC Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 165, Rule 165.1.
All client health records must be:
- Complete, legible and accurate documentation of all client encounters, including those by phone, email or text message.
- Written in ink, without erasures or deletions, or documented in the electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR).
- Signed by the provider making the entry, including the name and title of the provider, the date for each entry.
- Electronic signatures are allowable to document the encounter or provider review of care.
- Stamped signatures are not allowable.
- Readily accessible to assure continuity of care and availability to clients.
- Systematically organized to allow easy documentation and prompt retrieval of information.
All client health records must include:
- client identification and personal data, including financial eligibility;
- the client’s preferred language and method of communication;
- client contact information, including the best way and alternate ways to reach the client to ensure continuity of care, confidentiality and compliance with HIPAA regulations;
- a complete medication list, including prescription and nonprescription medications, as well as dietary supplements, updated at each encounter;
- a complete listing of all allergies and adverse reactions to medications, food and environmental substances such as latex;
- if the client has no known allergies, this should be listed.
- this information should be prominently displayed in the client’s record and updated at each encounter;
- a plan of care, updated as appropriate, consistent with diagnoses and assessments, which are consistent with clinical findings;
- documentation of recommended follow-up care, scheduled return visit dates and follow-up for missed appointments;
- documentation of informed consent or refusal of services;
- documentation of client education and counseling with attention to risks identified through the health risk assessment; and
- at every visit, the record must be updated as appropriate, documenting the reason for the visit, relevant history, physical exam findings, and pertinent screening and diagnostic tests with results and a treatment plan.
Case Management
Grantees must provide case management services on an as-needed basis to clients who require help accessing community resources.
For community services determined to be necessary, but not provided by the grantee, clients must be referred to other resources for assistance. Referrals and case management services must be documented in the clinical record.
Referral and Follow-Up
Grantees must have written policies and procedures for follow-up on referrals that are made because of abnormal physical examination or laboratory test findings. These policies must be sensitive to clients’ concerns for confidentiality and privacy and must follow state or federal requirements for transfer of health information.
Whenever possible, clients should be given a choice of referral resources to choose from. When a client is referred to another resource because of an abnormal finding or for emergency clinical care, the grantee must:
- plan for the provision of pertinent client information to the referral resource such as getting required client consent with appropriate safeguards to ensure confidentiality, including adhering to HIPAA regulations;
- advise the client about her or his responsibility to comply with the referral;
- follow up to determine if the referral was completed; and
- document the outcome of the referral.
Before a grantee can consider a client as lost to follow-up, the grantee must have at least three documented attempts to contact the client.
The provider must comply with state and local sexually transmitted infection (STI) reporting requirements.
For services determined to be necessary, but not provided by the grantee, clients must be referred to other resources for care.
5300 Perinatal Clinical Guidelines
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Perinatal Services
Provide prenatal and postpartum services based on American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines. Perinatal visits include medical history, physical examination, laboratory and diagnostic testing, and education and counseling.
Grantees may bill TVFFS for allowable services provided in clinical prenatal care visits for women during the CHIP Perinatal Program enrollment process. Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for reimbursable procedure codes.
Postpartum visits that are medically necessary are reimbursable and include interval history, physical examination, assessment, family planning, counseling, education and referral, as indicated.
Perinatal Laboratory and Other Diagnostic Tests
Include appropriate laboratory and diagnostic tests, as indicated by weeks of gestation and clinical assessment, in all prenatal visits. Grantees must have written plans to address laboratory and other diagnostic test orders, results, and follow-up to include:
- tracking and documentation of tests ordered and performed for each client;
- tracking of test results and documentation in client records; and
- a mechanism to address abnormal results, facilitate continuity of care, and assure confidentiality, adhering to HIPAA regulations (i.e., making results and interventions accessible to the delivering hospital, facility, or provider).
Obstetrical ultrasounds will be reimbursed as recommended by ACOG guidelines.
- Complete ultrasound – A complete evaluation of the pregnant uterus, performed between 18 and 22 weeks’ gestation, to include fetal number, viability, presentation, dating measurements, complete anatomical survey, placental localization characterizations and amniotic fluid assessment.
- Limited ultrasound – A brief, more limited evaluation to determine the number of fetuses, viability, presentation, dating measurements, limited anatomic assessment, placental location and characterization, and amniotic fluid assessment.
Non-Stress Test (NST)
Perform fetal assessment as medically necessary and may be billed as often as the provider deems the procedure to be medically necessary.
Biophysical Profile (BPP)/Fetal Biophysical Profile (FBPP)
The test combines fetal heart rate monitoring (nonstress test) and fetal ultrasound to evaluate a baby's heart rate, breathing, movements, muscle tone and amniotic fluid level. It may be done when results of other tests are non-reassuring.
Perinatal Education and Counseling Services
Grantees must have written plans for client education that include goals and content outlines to ensure consistency and accuracy of information provided. Education must be appropriate to client’s age, level of knowledge, socio-cultural background, and be presented in an unbiased manner.
Depression and Anxiety Screening
ACOG recommends that all clients be screened at least once during the perinatal period for depression and anxiety symptoms using a standardized, validated tool. Additional screening should occur during the comprehensive postpartum visit. For ease of administration in obstetric practices, Lifeline for Moms created a composite screener, with separate screeners for both the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Both screeners include the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), General Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), and Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5). An additional safety screener is available to assess suicide risk.
Combined EDPS Screener and Scoring Sheet
Combined PHQ-9 Screener and Scoring Sheet
Tobacco Assessment and Quit Line Referral
All women receiving prenatal services should be assessed for tobacco use. Refer women who use tobacco to tobacco quit lines. The Texas Tobacco Quitline provides confidential, free, and convenient cessation services to Texas residents 13 years and older, including quit coaching and nicotine replacement therapy. Services can be accessed by phone at 877-YES-QUIT (877-937-7848) or online at The assessment and referral should be performed by agency staff and documented in the clinical record.
Nutrition Counseling
Nutritional counseling by a licensed dietitian is not billable to TVFFS. Clients may be referred to Women, Infants and Children (WIC) for nutritional counseling.
State-Mandated Education
Information for Parents of Newborns
Chapter 161.501, Health and Safety Code, Subchapter T requires hospitals, birthing centers, physicians, nurse-midwives, and midwives who provide prenatal care to pregnant women during gestation or at delivery to give the woman and the father of the infant or other adult caregiver for the infant with Information for Parents of Newborns. This guide includes information about immunization, newborn screening, postpartum depression, and shaken baby syndrome.
In addition, document in the client's chart that she received this information. The documentation must be retained for a minimum of five years. It is recommended that the information be given twice, once at the first prenatal visit and again after delivery.
A Parent’s Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy Children
A Parent’s Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy Children (PDF) is designed for parents and adult caregivers of children. The guide provides information about the development, health, and safety of children from birth to 5 years.
Provision of Information about Umbilical Cord Blood Donation Requirement
Chapter 162 .018, Health and Safety Code, Subtitle H requires that a physician or other person permitted by law to attend a pregnant woman during gestation or at delivery of an infant will give the woman an informational brochure before the third trimester of the woman’s pregnancy, or as soon as reasonably feasible. It should include information about the uses, risks, and benefits of cord blood stem cells for a potential recipient, options for future use or storage of cord blood, the medical process used to collect cord blood, any costs that may be incurred by a pregnant woman who chooses to donate or store cord blood after delivery, and average cost of public and private storage. An Umbilical Cord Blood Banking and Donation Brochure is available through DSHS.
- Maternal and Child Health Publications
- Someday Starts Now – Website that offers tools for health care providers to help clients make healthy decisions today so they can be ready for a baby in the future.
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
- Pelvic Examinations – Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code.
- The Texas Clinician’s Postpartum Depression Toolkit (PDF)
5310 Initial Prenatal Visit Requirements
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Comprehensive Medical History – Initial Visit
A comprehensive medical history documented at the initial prenatal visit must address at least the following:
- current health status, including:
- symptoms of pregnancy; and
- acute and chronic medical conditions;
- significant history, including:
- hospitalizations;
- surgeries;
- biopsies; and
- blood transfusions and other exposure to blood products;
- current medications, including prescription, over the counter, and complementary and alternative medications;
- allergies, sensitivities or reactions to medicines or other substance(s);
- immunization status or assessment, including Rubella status;
- mental health history including current and past mental health conditions;
- pertinent history of immediate family, including genetic conditions;
- pertinent partner history, including:
- injectable drug use;
- number of partners STI and HIV history; and
- other risk factors;
- reproductive health history must include:
- menstrual history, including last normal menstrual period;
- sexual behavior history, including:
- family planning practices;
- number of partners;
- gender of sexual partners; and
- sexual abuse, as indicated;
- detailed obstetrical history;
- gynecological and urologic conditions;
- STIs, including hepatitis B and C, and HIV risks and exposure;
- cervical cancer screening history:
- date and results of last Pap test or other cervical cancer screening test; and
- note of any abnormal results and treatment;
- social history and health risk assessment:
- home environment, including living arrangements;
- family dynamics with assessment for family violence including safety assessment, when indicated which is mandated by Texas Family Code, Chapter 261);
- human trafficking;
- tobacco, alcohol, medications, recreational drug use or abuse and exposure, drug dependency including type, duration, frequency and route;
- nutritional history;
- occupational hazards or environmental toxin exposure;
- ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL);
- risk assessment, including but not limited to:
- diabetes;
- heart disease;
- intimate partner violence; and
- injury or malignancy; and
- systems review documenting pertinent positives and negatives in the health record.
Physical Examination - Initial Visit
For any part of the examination that is deferred, document the reason(s) for deferral in the client health record.
- height measurement;
- weight measurement, with documentation of pre-pregnancy weight and assessment for underweight, overweight and obesity;
- blood pressure evaluation;
- cardiovascular assessment;
- visual inspection of external genitalia and anus;
- pelvic exam, including estimate of uterine size per Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code;
- fetal heart rate for gestational age more than 12 weeks; and
- other systems, as indicated by history and the health risk assessment.
Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests – Initial Visit
Perform lab tests as recommended by accepted standards of care for client’s weeks of gestation or as indicated by risk assessment, history or physical exam. Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for covered lab tests.
The following tests are state-mandated:
- Hepatitis B Antigen (HbsAg), mandated by Health and Safety Code 81.090.
- HIV, unless declined by client, who must then be referred to anonymous testing, mandated by Health and Safety Code 81.090,
- Syphilis serology, mandated by Health and Safety Code 81.090.
Education – Initial Visit
Base client education on history, risk assessment and physical exam. It must cover the following:
- nutrition and weight gain;
- physical activity and exercise;
- sexual activity;
- environmental or work hazards;
- travel;
- alcohol use and substance abuse;
- when and where to get emergency care;
- anticipated course of prenatal care, including prenatal testing;
- injury prevention, including seat belt use;
- cocooning infants and children against pertussis including immunization of family members and potential caregivers of the infant;
- toxoplasmosis precautions;
- referral to WIC;
- use of medications; and
- other education and counseling as indicated by state mandate, risk assessment, history and physical exam.
5320 Return Prenatal Visits Requirements
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Interval Medical History – Return Visit
Interval history, including:
- symptoms of infections;
- symptoms of preterm labor;
- headaches or visual changes;
- fetal movement at more than18 weeks;
- family violence screening when client is more than 28 weeks; and
- intimate partner violence assessment at least once each trimester;
Physical Exam – Return Visit
For any portion of the examination that is deferred, document the reason(s) for deferral in the client health record.
- weight measurement;
- blood pressure evaluation;
- uterine size and fundal height;
- fetal heart rate at more than 12 weeks;
- fetal lie or position at more than 30 weeks; and
- other systems, as shown by history or other findings.
Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests – Return Visit
Perform lab tests as recommended by accepted standards of care for client’s weeks of gestation, those mandated by law, and indicated by risk assessment, history or exam. Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for covered lab tests.
Return Prenatal Visit Education
Education should be appropriate to weeks of gestation and based on history, risk assessment and physical exam, including but not limited to:
- signs and symptoms of preterm labor beginning in the second trimester;
- warning signs and symptoms of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH);
- breastfeeding;
- selecting a provider for the infant; and
- postpartum family planning.
5330 Postpartum Visits Requirements
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Interval Medical History – Postpartum Visit
Interval history, including:
- labor and delivery history, noting maternal and neonatal complications;
- infant bonding;
- breastfeeding and infant feeding issues;
- symptoms of infections;
- symptoms of excessive or abnormal vaginal bleeding;
- assessment for postpartum depression (The Texas Clinician’s Postpartum Depression Toolkit (PDF);
- intimate partner violence assessment; and
- family planning and contraception including current method or future plans;
Postpartum Visit Physical Exam
Document the reason(s) for deferral in the client health record, for any portion of the examination that is deferred.
- weight;
- blood pressure evaluation;
- breast and axilla exam;
- abdomen exam;
- pelvic exam, including uterine size per Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code; and
- systems indicated by history or risk profile and other findings.
Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests – Postpartum Visit
Perform lab tests as recommended by accepted standards of care for client’s weeks of gestation, those mandated by law, and indicated by risk assessment, history or exam. Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for covered lab tests.
Education - Postpartum Visit
Client education should include:
- physiologic changes;
- signs and symptoms of common complications;
- care of the breast;
- care of perineum and abdominal incision, if indicated;
- physical activity and exercise;
- breastfeeding and infant feeding;
- resumption of sexual activity;
- family planning and contraception; and
- depression and post-partum depression.
5340 Perinatal Dental Services
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Providers are expected to follow rules and regulations established by the Dental Practice Act.
Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for reimbursable procedure codes.
Perinatal dental services are provided to pregnant women through three months post-partum. These include:
- comprehensive and periodic oral evaluations;
- radiographs; and
- preventive and therapeutic dental services.
Procedure Code Limitations
Space maintainers are designed to prevent tooth movement and may help after premature loss of a deciduous primary first or second molar(s) in the following situations:
- TID: A, B, I and J- for clients who are 1 through 12 years old using procedure codes D1510 and D1516.
- TID: K, L, S and T - for clients who are 1 through 12 years old using procedure codes D1510 and D1517.
The following procedure codes have age restrictions and limitations:
- D2950 Not allowed on primary teeth; restricted to ages 4 and older
- D2952 Not allowed on primary teeth; restricted to ages 13 and older and not payable with D2950
- D3310, D3320 and D3330 Restricted to 6 and older, reimbursement for a root canal includes all appointments necessary to complete the treatment
- D2933 and D2934 are benefits for anterior primary teeth only (TID C- H and M R
- Direct restoration of a primary tooth with the use of a prefabricated crown is a once in a lifetime restoration, same TID, any provider. Exceptions may be considered when pre-treatment X-ray images, intra-oral photos, and narrative documentation clearly support the medical necessity for the replacement of the prefabricated crown (D2930, D2933, D2934).
Perinatal Dental Visit History
Document a medical and dental history at the initial dental visit. Update a history and reason for the visit at each visit. Dental history must include:
- history of the present problem;
- relevant past medical history, including reproductive history and pregnancy status;
- allergies, sensitivities or reactions to medicines or other substances;
- current medications, prescriptions, over the counter and complementary and alternative medicines;
- use of tobacco and alcohol, including type, duration, frequency and route; and
- screening and reporting, if indicated, for abuse and neglect per Texas Family Code, Chapter 261.
Perinatal Dental Examination
All dental visits must include an oral examination. Initial and return dental visit must include:
- limited head and neck examination for the initial visit and as indicated for return visits;
- blood pressure and pulse, as indicated;
- radiographs and photographs, as indicated;
- prescription(s), if indicated;
- treatment plan of care; and
- procedure(s) and treatment provided.
Perinatal Dental Education and Counseling
Dental education and counseling is provided by dentists or dental hygienists as it relates to prevention of dental disease and achieving oral health. Education should include:
- oral hygiene instruction;
- healthier eating and drinking habits to reduce the risk of tooth decay;
- safety of dental treatment while pregnant;
- impact of the mother’s oral health on the pregnancy and infant;
- oral hygiene for infants and children; and
- individualized education based on history, exam, procedures or risks.
5400 Child and Adolescent Clinical Guidelines
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Child and Adolescent Services
Provide services based on recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Texas Health Steps Checkup Components, and the Texas Health Steps Periodicity Schedule. All staff who perform child health exams must have completed the online Texas Health Steps module entitled Texas Health Steps: Overview.
Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for reimbursable procedure codes. Grantees may not bill for a Texas Health Steps medical checkup until all required components are completed. Only one visit may billed per day, per client. If a client returns on a different day to complete required components of a Texas Health Steps exam, an additional visit may not be charged.
Well Child and Adolescent History and Risk Assessment
New client initial health history must be retained in the medical record for reference at future checkups and does not need to be repeated at subsequent checkups. It must include the following:
- If less than five years old, history related to pregnancy, delivery and neonatal conditions
- Family medical history
- Personal medical history
Established client interval health history must include:
- reason for visit;
- current health status, including any changes in personal health history;
- current medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, and complementary and alternative medicines;
- allergies, sensitivities or reactions to medicines or other substance(s);
- exposure or use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs, including type, duration, frequency and route;
- review of systems;
- assessment for family violence including a safety assessment when indicated;
- reproductive health history, when appropriate, must include:
- menstrual history, including last normal menstrual period;
- sexual behavior history, including:
- family planning practices;
- sexual abuse;
- gynecological and urologic conditions;
- STIs and HIV risks and exposure; and
- cervical cancer screening, beginning at 21 years.
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Physical Examination
For well child and adolescent visits, a complete physical examination is required at each visit. A comprehensive unclothed physical examination includes all the components listed below. For any portion of the examination that is deferred, document the reason(s) for deferral.
- Comprehensive exam (unclothed) including secondary sex characteristics.
- Measurements and percentiles, as appropriate, should be documented including:
- length, height and weight measurements;
- frontal-occipital head circumference for 2 years and under;
- body Mass Index (BMI) beginning at 2 years; and
- blood pressure beginning at 3 years old.
- Screening, as appropriate, should be documented including:
- Complete developmental screening at checkups from birth through 6 years. Providers should follow the Texas Health Steps Periodicity Schedule (PDF) and must use one of the following validated, standardized tools found at Developmental and Autism Screening Tools.
- Conduct mental health screening at each checkup using one of the following tools. Providers should follow the Texas Health Steps Periodicity Schedule (PDF) and must use one of the following validated, standardized tools found at Mental Health Screening Tools.
- Perform screening for maternal postpartum depression at infant checkups up to 12 months. Find screening tools in The Texas Clinician’s Postpartum Depression Toolkit (PDF).
- Sensory screening should include vision acuity and audiometric hearing screening at various ages following the Texas Health Steps Periodicity Schedule.
- Documentation of test results from a school vision or hearing screening program may replace the required screening if conducted within 12 months of the checkup.
- Limited oral screening for caries and general health of the teeth and oral mucosa is part of the physical examination. Refer to a dentist at 6 months and every six months thereafter.
- Nutritional screening or counseling by a licensed dietitian is completed for children with a high-risk condition and for children 3 years and older with an abnormal Body Mass Index (BMI). Nutritional screening must be performed at every visit.
- Risk screening, including family violence, lead, tuberculosis and adolescent lifestyle.
- Age-appropriate immunizations
- Vaccines must be administered per the current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Find the ACIP schedule at the CDC Immunization Schedules website.
- TVFFS grantees are recommended to become a Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) provider. Providers may get vaccines free of charge from the Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) Program for clients birth through 18 years old. Providers must not charge the client for the vaccines.
- Age-appropriate laboratory tests
- Well child and adolescent laboratory tests should follow the Texas Health Steps Periodicity Schedule. Tests should be appropriate to age and risk. Review TVFFS MRP for covered lab tests.
- Documented laboratory results within the past month are acceptable for use for children 2 years and younger and up to 90 days for those 3 years and older.
Sick Child Visit
Other sources of funding should be used to provide medications for the treatment of acute and minor illness at little or no cost to the client. A sick child visit includes problem-oriented history, physical exam, and lab tests, as indicated by condition.
- World Health Organization (WHO) growth charts for infants and children birth to 2 years old.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) growth charts for children who are 2 years or older.
- Pelvic Examinations – Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code.
- The Texas Clinician’s Postpartum Depression Toolkit (PDF)
Child and Adolescent Laboratory and Other Diagnostic Tests
Grantees can submit all TVFFS laboratory testing to the laboratory of their choice, with the exception of Newborn Screening (NBS) Tests which must be submitted to the Texas DSHS laboratory.
Grantees and subrecipients must have a Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) laboratory submitter number to submit specimens to the DSHS laboratory.
Laboratory specimens sent to the DSHS laboratory will be charged at the DSHS laboratory’s published fee schedule rate.
Agencies must have written plans to address laboratory and other diagnostic tests orders, results, and follow-up to include:
- Tracking and documentation of tests ordered and performed for each client.
- Tracking test results and documentation in client’s records.
- A mechanism to notify clients of results in a manner to ensure confidentiality, privacy and prompt, appropriate follow-up.
- DSHS Laboratory
- DSHS Lab Reporting for Results
- Texas Newborn Screening Program
- DSHS TB Control Standards
Child and Adolescent Education and Counseling
- Client education must be face to face.
- Bright Futures literature is preferred.
- Base education and counseling on health history, risk assessment, and physical exam and must cover the following:
- age-appropriate anticipatory guidance including injury prevention, behavior, health promotion and nutrition.
- the recommended Anticipatory Guidance: A Guide for Providers offers age-appropriate guidance for children, birth through 20 years, and mirrors anticipatory guidance topics included on the THSteps Child Health Clinical Record Forms.
- child development;
- immunizations;
- when and where to get emergency care;
- risk factors identified during the visit;
- referral to WIC;
- information on parenting and postpartum counseling, as indicated and mandated by Chapter 161, Health and Safety Code, Subchapter T; and
- other education and counseling, as indicated.
5410 Child and Adolescent Dental Services
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2034
Providers must follow rules and regulations established by the Dental Practice Act, provided to children from birth through 21 years. These include:
- diagnostic services including comprehensive and periodic oral evaluations and radiographs;
- preventive services including fluoride treatment and placement of dental sealants to any tooth at risk of dental decay; and
- therapeutic services including restorative treatment.
Review Monthly Reporting Packet (MRP) for reimbursable procedure codes.
For children under 6 months, medically necessary dental services may be provided due to oral trauma early childhood caries, or both.
Procedure Code Limitations
Space maintainers are designed to prevent tooth movement. They may help in the following situations:
- After premature loss of a deciduous primary first or second molar(s), TID: A, B, I and J, for clients who are 1 through 12 years old using procedure codes D1510 and D1516.
- After premature loss of a deciduous primary first or second molar(s), TID: K, L, S and T, for clients who are 1 through 12 years old using procedure codes D1510 and D1517.
The following procedure codes have age restrictions and limitations:
- D2950 is not allowed on primary teeth. Is restricted to 4 and older.
- D2952 is not allowed on primary teeth. Is restricted to 13 and older and is not payable with D2950.
- D3310, D3320 and D3330 is restricted to 6 and older. Reimbursement for a root canal includes all appointments necessary to complete the treatment.
- D2933 and D2934 are benefits for anterior primary teeth only (TID C-H, M-R).
- Direct restoration of a primary tooth with a prefabricated crown is a once in a lifetime restoration, same TID, any provider. Exceptions may be considered when pre-treatment X-ray images, intra-oral photos, and narrative documentation clearly support the medical necessity for the replacement of the prefabricated crown (D2930, D2933, D2934).
Child and Adolescent History
Document medical and dental history at the first dental visit. History and reason for the visit must be updated at each visit. Dental history must include:
- history of the present problem;
- relevant past medical history, including pregnancy status, as applicable;
- allergies, sensitivities or reactions to medicines or other substances;
- current medications, prescriptions, over the counter and complementary and alternative medicines; and
- use of tobacco and alcohol including type, duration, frequency and route; and
- screening for abuse and neglect and reporting, if indicated as mandated by Texas Family Code, Chapter 261).
Child and Adolescent Dental Examination
All dental visits must include an oral examination. The initial or return dental visit must include:
- limited head and neck examination for the initial visit and as indicated for return visits;
- blood pressure and pulse, as indicated;
- radiographs and photographs, as indicated;
- prescription(s), if indicated;
- treatment plan of care; and
- procedure(s) and treatment provided.
Child and Adolescent Dental Education and Counseling
Dental education and counseling is provided by dentists or dental hygienists for the prevention of dental disease and achieving oral health. Education should include:
- oral hygiene instruction;
- healthier eating and drinking habits to reduce the risk of tooth decay; and
- individual education based on history, exam, procedures or risks.
5500 Prescriptive Authority Agreements, Clinical Protocols and Standing Delegation Orders
Revision 24-2; Effective Sept. 30, 2024
Grantees that provide clinical services must develop and maintain written clinical prescriptive authority agreements, protocols and standing delegation orders to comply with statutes and rules governing medical, dental, and nursing practice and consistent with national evidence-based clinical guidelines. When HHSC revises a policy, grantees need to incorporate the revised policy into their written procedures.
Prescriptive Authority Agreements (PAAs)
When services are provided by an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) or physician assistant (PA), the grantee must ensure that a properly executed prescriptive authority agreement (PAA) is in place for each mid-level provider. The PAA must meet all the requirements delineated in Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 157, including, but not limited to, the following criteria:
- be in writing and signed and dated by the parties to the agreement;
- be reviewed at least annually, including amendments;
- kept on-site where the APRN or PA provides care;
- include the name, address and all professional license numbers of all parties to the agreement;
- state the nature of the practice, and practice locations or settings;
- identify the types or categories of drugs or devices that may or may not be prescribed;
- provide a general plan for addressing consultation and referral;
- provide a plan for addressing client emergencies;
- describe the general process for communication and sharing of information between the physician and the APRN or PA the physician has delegated prescriptive authority related to the care and treatment of people;
- if alternate physician supervision will be used, appoint one or more alternate physicians who may:
- provide appropriate temporary supervision following the requirements established by the PAA and of this section; and
- participate in the prescriptive authority quality assurance and improvement plan meetings required under this section;
- describe a prescriptive authority quality assurance and improvement plan and specify methods for documenting the implementation of the plan that includes:
- chart review, with the number of charts to be reviewed determined by the physician and APRN or PA; and
- periodic meetings between the APRN or PA and the physician at a location determined by the physician, APRN or physician assistant.
- Texas Occupations Code Title 3, Subtitle B, Chapter 157 about Authority of Physicians to Delegate Certain Medical Acts
- Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 11, Chapter 222 Texas Board of Nursing Rules
- Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 193 Texas Medical Board Rules
- Protocols
Grantees that employ APRNs or PAs must have written protocols to delegate authorization to initiate medical aspects of client care. Historically, this delegation has occurred through a protocol or other written authorization. Rather than have two documents, this delegation can be included in a PAA if both parties agree to do so. The protocols do not need to describe the exact steps that an APRN or a PA must take for each specific condition, disease or symptom.
The protocols must be reviewed, agreed upon, signed and dated by the supervising physician, and the PA or APRN, at least annually. They must be maintained on-site, as mandated by Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 11, Chapter 221, Rule 221.13.
Standing Delegation Orders (SDOs)
Per TAC Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 193, when services are provided by unlicensed and licensed personnel other than an APRN or PA whose duties include actions or procedures for a population with specific diseases, disorders, health problems or sets of symptoms, the clinic must have written standing delegation orders (SDOs) in place. SDOs are distinct from specific orders written for an individual. SDOs are instructions, orders, rules, regulations, or procedures that specify under what set of conditions and circumstances certain actions may be taken.
The grantee must have SDOs in place for unlicensed and licensed personnel (not APRNs or PAs) that include the following:
- SDOs must include actions or procedures for a population with specific diseases, disorders, health problems or sets of symptoms;
- delineate under what circumstances an RN, LVN or non-licensed health care provider (NLHP) may initiate actions or tasks in the clinical setting; and
- provide authority for use with a patient:
- when a physician or advance practice provider is not on the premises; and
- before a patient is examined or evaluated by a physician or advanced practice provider.
Example: An SDO for assessment of blood pressure and blood-sugar level names the RN, LVN or NLHP that will perform the task, the steps to complete the task, the ranges for normal and abnormal and the process of reporting abnormal values.
Other applicable SDOs when a physician is not present on-site may include, but are not limited to:
- obtaining a personal and medical history;
- performing an appropriate physical exam and the recording of physical findings;
- initiating and performing laboratory procedures;
- administering or providing drugs ordered by voice communication with the authorizing physician;
- providing pre-signed prescriptions for:
- oral contraceptives;
- diaphragms;
- contraceptive creams and jellies;
- topical anti-infective for vaginal use; or
- antibiotic drugs for treatment of STIs and STDs;
- handling medical emergencies to include on-site management, as well as possible transfer of the person;
- giving immunizations; or
- performing pregnancy testing.
The grantee must have a process in place to ensure that SDOs are reviewed, signed and dated at least annually by the supervising physician responsible for the delivery of the medical care covered by the orders and by other appropriate staff. SDOs must be kept on-site.
Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 193 Standing Delegation Orders
Dental Delegation
Grantees must abide by delegation rules set forth by the Dental Practice Act and Texas State Board of Dental Examiners Rules. A licensed dentist may delegate verbally or in writing a service, task or procedure to a dental hygienist under the supervision and responsibility of the dentist, per the Dental Practice Act. A dentist is not required to be on the premises when the dental hygienist performs a delegated act. A licensed dentist may delegate to a qualified and trained dental assistant acting under the dentist’s general or direct supervision any dental act that is reasonable, and a prudent dentist would find is within the scope of sound dental judgment to delegate specified by the Dental Practice Act. Physical presence does not require the supervising dentist be in the treatment room when the dental assistant performs the service if the dentist is in the dental office or clinic. A delegating dentist is responsible for a dental act performed by the person the dentist delegates the act.
- Texas Board of Nursing Position Statement 15.5 Nurses with Responsibility for Initiating Physician Standing Orders
- Delegation of Nursing Tasks by Registered Professional Nurses
- Physician Assistants
- Dental Assistants
- Dental Hygiene
- Advanced Practice Nurses
- Standing Delegation Orders
- Texas State Board of Dental Examiners
- Texas Medical Board