E-920, Verification Requirements

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

The TPR information has been verified when the “NHIC” box is checked and greyed out. Staff cannot end/terminate the coverage. If the individual has TPR and the “NHIC” box is greyed out, this information has already been verified by the Office of Inspector General – Third Party Liability area. 

Request verification if:

  • the individual indicates the individual has TPR, and
  • required TPR information has not been verified.

Some former foster care individuals’ parents may have TPR coverage for the applicant without the individual being aware of this coverage. If the individual states they are not aware of the TPR or do not know the details of the TPR, but the TPR has been verified by the claims administrator, advise the applicant to call the claims administrator’s Third Party Liability Customer Service Line at 1-800-846-7307 and select option 2. This will allow the individual to obtain information regarding the TPR.

If the TPR information in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) has been verified by the claims administrator but needs to be updated, fax the completed Form H1039, Medical Insurance Input, to the claims administrator at 512-514-4215.